Business Object and Sorting...

Robin J Giltner
Robin J Giltner
StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)StrataFrame User (179 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 105, Visits: 650
I have a question about the FillbyParent method and Business Object sorting.

In my Treeview I populate a list of records.  These individual records have child records that are populated through 2 tables.

The Main table has a one-to-many relationship with its direct children, and each direct child has a one-to-one relationship with its child.  This *grandchild* contains the data I need to display.  Got this working great using a FillbyParentPrimaryKey to get the child records for the one-to-many relation table, and then a FillbyParent to get all of the grandchild records of the Selected Main item.

My question is this, my sort order exists in the middle table.  I can sort the middle BusinessObject, and it sorts like I want it to, but then on the next business object I do a FillbyParent.  On the query getting passed to the Database, the parameters are in the proper order, but the data coming back form it doesn't seem to be in the order of the parameters.  Is there something I'm missing on my SQL configuration you know of, or is this something I'm going to have to do something about in code ?


Robin Giltner


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