Thanks for the feedback - my mistake - I had left a piece of debug code in our DAL wrapper and the FillByStoredProc was executed 100 times on each (Win) form load so the speed is, in actual fact, quite good.
Cheers, Peter
I tried to load/show 10,000 records with 20 columns to DevExpress XtraGrid. It takes me 4 secs. However, if I load 30,000 records it would slow down to 1 min 7 secs.
Is it consider slow compare to Infragistic or other grid?
Please advice.
Thank you
One really good tool to find out where speed issues exist within your application is the Ants Profiler ( which will give you an exact break down of where the speed issues exist within your code...this is VERY helpful when trying to figure this type of thing out.
I seem to remember a comment on the forum regarding DevExpress grid data load speed being a bit on the slow side. Hopefully the speed I'm seeing isn't typical of a DevExpress grid and we have a problem somewhere.
I have a single grid on a form that shows all 600 records in a table. The data source is a stored procedure which, if I run in Query Analyser returns all rows immediately. However, in the grid, I see a page full of rows as soon as the grid displays and the record count is 1 of 600 but then I get a wait cursor for 40 seconds. I have no idea what's going on in that 40 seconds but could it be that DevExpress is simply loading its data table?