Hi Edhy,
Good to hear from you.
Edhy Rijo (03/07/2008)
confused here, why would you need (or want) a Browser Dialog in a child form which I believe will only display filtered records by its parent?It's like the "related forms" we've been using in VPM (Visual ProMatrix for Foxpro): when you open a child form you have both toolbar arrow and list button navigation options which are synchronized and limited to the value on the parent table. In Strataframe, I'm testing using a "SF Maintenance Form" class for both the parent and related child maintenance. I just want the UI to be consistent so that if I offer a browse dialog on the parent form, then I'd like it offered on the child form too.
The child form's browse dialog would be more for navigation than subsetting and would simply produce a list of available child records with incremental search in the list but no search fields per se. (The Advance Browse sample shows something like this where all "Smith" records are presented immediately when you hit the browse button with no search fields or query).
I think your question concerns the subsetting / query function of the browse dialog and you're right, most child tables will have few enough related items that further subsetting would not be necessary. So I'm just thinking of it as a quick navigation option through say 30 or so child records.
Again, I was starting with the idea of using an SF Maintenance form for the child table with only one record showing at a time. In contrast, the sample ChildDialog puts the navigation list right on the child form (CustomerNotes) and requires a third edit form to do the editing of a child item (CustomerNoteEditor). I was thinking of having the child form itself be the edit form (SF Maintenance) with the same toolbar and browse options as the parent form. If there are only a few child records, then the toolbar nav buttons will suffice; if there are 20 or 30 child records, then a quick browse button would be nice. Not a big deal really. I just thought the user would find it more familiar if the parent, child and possible grandchild forms all had the same presentation (SF Maintenance) and didn't require additional "edit forms" to get anything done.