I'll jump in on this one too.
For the last 10 years I've been very involved with the Visual FoxExpress framework and have dealt with these kind of requests and questions about automating the creation of interfaces. FoxExpress is a terrific rad tool with great wizards and builders, but that is not the most important part of the framework.
We do in fact have a wizard that takes the collection of fields in a particular business object and throws controls and labels on a presentation object (like a form) It is not re-entrant - that is you do it once when you create the presobj, but afterward if you want to add additional controls you drop them on and bind them yourself (exactly like SF)
Frankly, while it is convenient, you still have to arrange the controls, decide which ones you want and which you don't want etc. It really doesn't save a lot of time in the overall scheme of things. Maybe 5-10 minutes on a form with 30 fields, if that. You really want human intervention in interface design 
I would much rather the framework builders spend their time on designing things like access to the data layer through business object, issues of performance, localization, security and handling issues that I wouldn't even think of ... and I'm continually impressed with what a good job they have done in the really important areas of framework design.
The more you work with a framework, the more you come to appreciate the important stuff that it facilitates. I'm very impressed with Microfour's priorities in the evolution of Strataframe.