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Hello, I am evaulating strataframework and have some questions.
We have been doing a lot with dynamic building of forms and building of field generation based on database and I came across strataframe. But I wanted to know if anyone had experience with doing this in Strataframe and perhaps if they could also provide how they did it.
The areas that we are looking at are these.
1) support automatically generated forms for editing an object. So basically here if we add a field to the table we want the form to automatically pick it up. It appears with strataframe today we have to update the bo and then update the form. We would like to update the bo and then in the form interface we are painting the screen with the fields. it should be no need for the developer to create an edit/new form at all. Basically, it should be all done in the base class. if it's just a couple of clicks to create the edit/new form then it's not a big deal
2) support for dynamic attributes. Meaning creating dynamic fields in forms which will be added to a db table automatically and then these fields will be able to be implemented into the forms.
3) support of our existing datalayer created with mygeneration.
#3 is more of an issue with how will we deal with our existing data structures if we moved to strataframe.