I succeed to have the same time of loading when I put a list directly in a form and when I put a list in user control contained in a form.
The problem seems to come from the parameters of the BOTranslation I did.
So, now, I have a time of loading equals to 520 ms in a user control. It's better
But, I'm trying to do this by code but my list doesn't load
I have this code in my form_load:
ucClient _ucClient = new ucClient();
_ucClient.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
_ucClient.Visible = true;
_ucClient.OnFermerFenetre += new EventHandler(_ucClient_OnFermerFenetre);
BusinessObjectTranslationItem _BOTranslationItem1 = new BusinessObjectTranslationItem();
_BOTranslationItem1.SourceBusinessObject = "Form1.clientBO1";
_BOTranslationItem1.DestinationBusinessObject = "_ucClient.clientBO1";
_ucClient.BOTranslations.AddRange(new BusinessObjectTranslationItem[] { _BOTranslationItem1 });
_ucClient.TranslationObject = this;
What's wrong ?
Thanks for your help.