Thanks Trent,
I'll send you french strings (I've translated ToolTipTexts).
Please, don't forget to change the pictures for cmdBold and cmdUnderline, so they must be respectively the letter G and S.
I needed to use it quickly, so I copy/paste from SF sources into my RichTextToolStrip subclass, but I've 2 issues:
I could not modify brwImage.Title for localize it, so I create a new OpenFileDialog, and add a method
Private Sub cmdPicture_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles Me.ItemClicked
If e.ClickedItem.Name = "cmdPicture" Then
Dim rtfControl As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox = Me.ActiveRichTextControl
If rtfControl IsNot Nothing ThenDim PictControl As New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
Dim loResult As Windows.Forms.DialogResult
With PictControl
.Filter = "Fichiers d'Images(*.bmp, *.jpg , *.png , *.gif) |*.bmp;*.jpg;*.png;*.gif"
.Title = "Quelle Image ?"
End With
loResult = PictControl.ShowDialog()
If loResult = DialogResult.OK Then
Me.MLSFInsertImageIntoRTF(rtfControl, PictControl.FileName)
End If
End If
End IfEnd Sub But your brwImage pops up after my PictControl, how to prevent it?
Where do you store your tooltiptexts for those 3 buttons corresponding to keystrokes? when disabled, cmdbold shows my tooltip, but when the richtextbox is in editmode, it's your tooltip which is added before the keystroke?
Where did you write it? makes me !
(please, don't forget I'm beginner in .net )