Migrating User Logins (SOS!)

Kotowari Lim
Kotowari Lim
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Dear experts,

I'm a newbie on Strataframe and has been delegated to do a project, as per subject mentioned. Well, I understand that this might not be a proper way of learning, but I'm really facing both difficulty during creating, as well as very limited and tight time frame provided (only left 3 days given). Following are the situations and task to do:


1) A windows-based application to to migrate/import a list of user logins into strataframe (table: Users, UsersXRoles and etc.)

2) User Role inserted during migration (Role will be pre-defined before the process)

3) Password based on specific fields (eg. Password, Identification No., Passport No. etc.)

4) Source file from other database and table (eg. MSSQL: myDatabase, myTempLoginTable). This temporary table shall consists of full information required during the migration (eg. User login, First Name, Last Name, Password, Role and any others if necessary).

Please kindly enlight and assist me upon the matters (eg. what are the additional information needed, what are the references needed, how to defined Keys, how to encrypt relevant data and etc.). A full sample and/or source are very very very appreciated. Thanks in advance and really hope to hear from you guyz soon.

Thanks and regards

Edhy Rijo
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Kotowari Lim (01/26/2010)
After lots of failures and testings, found out that it requires to set security and vector key before the process. Well, following are the codings which successfully added a user:

Hi Kotowari,

That is the reason of my comment before:

Start by reading about the RBS in the help file and then add the RBS to your application...

In order for you to start adding users programatically you must have had setup the RBS in your application and you must have your Permissions and Roles setup, then you add your users and assign roles to them based on the information in your old system, but you MUST know how the RBS works and it MUST be working with your application prior to do anything else.

Now you are one step closer, so keep going and good luck!

Edhy Rijo

Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
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The key I was referring to is what you are handling with the SetSecurityKeyAndVectorForUserAuthentication method call. However, you should understand what this is doing as it affects how the user data is encrypted within the db table. Make sure you understand how this works.

Check out the Role Based Security section of the SF help file. Specificially the section on Defining Security within the Application. The first topic will give you an overview, Adding Security to an Application. Then use the links within that topic to understand the specifics as needed.

You can create roles and permissions via their respective SFS BO. In order to get this done, you likely will have to do a bit of digging to make sure that you are doing everything that needs to be done. As I suggested earlier, likely as part of the import process, you can create roles as needed and assign them to users, but permissions should likely be done during app development, as this is the connection point between RBS and the app. I.e. the security keys used on forms and data fields are the names of permissions. Roles are easy to manipulate, where as permissions require changes to the application.

As to your roles, you should likely understand how the built in Administrator role works. This is not set via a role or a permission, but is a property of a user (us_IsAdministrator). It allows access to everything.

As to your normal user role, I'd first suggest that you just create it manually. However, if based on how you are testing your import process, if you find yourself continually needing to recreate it, then I'd look into using the SFSRolesBO to create it. You'll need to access the role's PK when assigning users to that role though, no matter how you create it.

To assign the user to a role, use the SFSUsersXRolesBO. It's just a linking BO that links the PK of a user to the PK of a role.

Hope that helps!
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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These guys have all given some great ideas. If you are still having troubles, please let me know. Thanks for your interest in StrataFrame and welcome to the forums.

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