Windows 8

Edhy Rijo
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Hi Trent,

I use TFS, SQL2008R2 & VS2010 to upgrade all that what would be the order of upgrading?  I guess:
  1. SQL 2012
  2. TFS 2012
  3. VS2012
I will not upgrade to Windows 8 yet, will only upgrade on Win 7.


Edhy Rijo

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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I know I made Windows 8 sound bad Smile, but honestly I like it pretty well.  I like it a little better than Windows 7, so don't let my "ragfest" alter your decision there.  But in regards to upgrading, the recommended order would be to load in this order:

  1. Load Visual Studio 2012 as it will load side-by-side with VS2010.  Also, you can use TFS 2010 with VS 2012, which is what we are doing, as updating TFS from version to version is always a bit of a bugger and so we plan carefully for this.
  2. Next, I would load SQL Server 2012.  You can upgrade your existing instance or create a new one if you have this need.  If this is the SQL Server that you have TFS on, be sure to BACK IT UP!!!!!!  There can be some upgrade issues anytime you go from version to version, so protect your backside!!
  3. As for TFS server, I would do this last, once you have everything else working.  The TFS client in VS2012 works perfectly with TFS Server 2010.  So you can skip this for now and be working instead of messing around with the server.  However, if you DO plan on updating your server, make sure that you have a very clean backup and then proceed when you can have some down-time.  There are some online articles that you can look at that will give you the play-by-play.  Since I have not yet gone through this myself, I don't feel qualified to tell you all of the necessary components.  But once I do, I will let you know if there are any sticky wickets.

Edhy Rijo
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Thanks Trent,
About Windows 8, the reason for not upgrading right now are based on drivers from Dell, and this usually takes a lot of time whenever I need to upgrade the OS, usually I change computers, but the one I have is just 1 year old so there is no need to be replaced, but before upgrading it I have to make sure it will go smooth and have all backups available.

I like Windows 8 and will upgrade to it as soon as Dell releases all drivers for my computer and printers.

I like your upgrade path for the rest, makes sense and will allow me to keep using TFS2010 for a while and this is a must, I heavily depend on TFS it has saved me many times.

Edhy Rijo

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Makes sense, Edhy.  I have had pretty good luck across the board with the drivers, etc.  Heck, this is the 3rd OS my motherboard and CPU have gone through.  I have upgraded RAM, drives, etc., but my Core i7 922 is still doing great.  I will wait until the next generation of CPU is released to upgrade.  I have, however, upgraded my video card significantly as well. 

You are right about TFS as well.  It is hard to imagine development without these days.
Hugo R. Figueroa
Hugo R. Figueroa
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Thank You.

I really like Windows 8 too.
Hugo R. Figueroa
Hugo R. Figueroa
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I tried to replay to the earlier post.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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No problem, Hugo.  Thanks for sharing!
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Trent,

Trent L. Taylor (11/18/2012)
As for VS 2012, there are some issues with the colors (too monochrome) that can be corrected with the Theme plug-in for VS 2012.  The pending changes dialog for the Team Explorer is awful....way more energy to work from.  Also, the icons are all the same color and look virtually the same in the Solution Explorer, so it is hard to quickly spot certain code files.

Just to report back that I finally upgraded to MS-SQL2012 & VS2012, not Window 8 yet.
MS-SQL2012, I like it a lot, maybe because now they are using VS2010 as the IDE and I feel very comfortable around it.  Also it is faster than 2008R2.

As for VS2012, I love everything under the hood, the speed and other things, but the 2 theme options are just awful, either totally in the dark or extremely white, very uncomfortable, heck my applications looks much better for sure, just cannot understand why they have not addressed that in Update 1, I read the next update will have some UI fixes, at least they should have provided a VS2010 theme.

Well have not done anything seriously yet, but planing to do so this week.  By the way, I could not find any documentation related on what is new in SF or at least what has been fixed, but the SF update when really smooth with no complications. Smile

Edhy Rijo

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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You can download a VSIX package from the online gallery to address the colors.  I loaded this and it made a huge difference.  There are also some packages out there to change the icons back to the previous version instead of the monochrome all-look-the-same icons.  You can download the theme color editor here:

This will save your eyesight!

Edhy, we didn't do a great job of updating the docs this last go around.  Mainly because it was a decision of where to spend time, and we elected to spend it on SF 2.0.  There is a lot going on there on this side.  When we get a little further along, we will start posting screenshots and samples so you can see what is going on.

If I get a chance this weekend, I will sit down and add a post out here with some of the changes and fixes.
Edhy Rijo
StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (4.5K reputation)
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Thanks for the info on the theme, I downloaded and yes it helps a lot. Tongue

About the SF update, I just though my SF help file was not updated.  I understand the process and just wanted to know any relevant major detail in the update to be aware of.  I am constantly making changes to my main SF application and sometimes there are not enough time to re-test all features and not knowing what may have change in SF could affect something, or if there is some new hidden goodies then I would not take advantage of them Rolleyes

Edhy Rijo


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