We're using StrataFrame to develop in-house applications and we won't be distributing them outside our company. So, if we have the StrataFrame databases on our "production" server what would be the easiest way to browse the RBS keys? Is there a view I could create?
I'm not looking to create/modify, etc RBS without the aid of the your built in editors but I would like to be able to browse them because I have a RBS Key Field in a table. This way when I'm adding records I dont have to remember the name of the keys I can just look them up and have the name inserted into the field.
The type editor will never work in your scenario as the type editor relies on design-time interfaces that cannot be provided at run-time. It is impossible to use any SF type editors at run-time.
Could you give me some steps please?
The FillAll method of the SFSPermissionsBO requires a ProjectPK in order for it to work. Is there a way that I can programmatically retrieve that value so that I dont have to hardcode it into my app?