By Chan - 4/23/2008
I was hearing about SF 2.0 for quite a long time, which mentioned will be including a lot of fanstatic features such as LINQ support, ORM mapper and etc. I would like to know, what is your roadmap for this? Will it be 2008, 2009 or... all this features will be released incrementally?
Thank you
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/23/2008
LINQ is on hold until there are some vast performance improvements. To execute a single query, LINQ goes through 4 layers of XML mappings, which is fine when dealing with a small application and dtabase but when producing real-world large scale applications, there are just some major performance issues. We are all excited about an integrated query language, but from all of our research and testing there is still a long way to go here. We will be adding some hooks for those developers who just "must" have it...but this not currently a priority. StrataFrame is a tool that is expected to direct developers down the path of following best-practices and standards...and we feel that we would be remiss in recommeding LINQ for any real-world application development. It is nice in the classroom, but in a commercial application it could get a software development company in trouble.But to answer your question, we will be releasing things incrementally. There have been some large improvements to the DDT in the 1.6.6 build and there will continue to be new features added prior to the official 1.6.6 release in both the DDT and the framework. We will then be reworking the BO Mapper and adding a lot of new functionality and code genereation options (i.e. make it easier to create Custom Properties, etc. through the BO Mapper, expose child BOs, etc.).
By Geoff Hirst - 4/23/2008
Guys,Glad to hear someone else thinks the same about linq. I thought I was doing something wrong with it. As you say, it's a real utopia to aim for is what linq can bring to the table but my experience is that it's still for MS Tech Ed demos and not real world stuff. Looking forward to the next iteration of 1.6.6. best Geoff.
By Trent L. Taylor - 4/23/2008
As you say, it's a real utopia to aim for is what linq can bring to the table but my experience is that it's still for MS Tech Ed demos and not real world stuff. Couldn't have said it better myself! 
By hector - 8/20/2012
Hi Trent,
Could you please tell us what's new in SF 2.0 in Web Side (Not Desktop)? Any new controls? for example Browse Dialog for Web etc.?
Kind regards...
By Trent L. Taylor - 8/21/2012
I can't tell you all of the controls, but I can tell you this. The one thing that we intend to do on the web side this go around is to make sure that you have many of the tools that you do on the desktop side. Obviously not all of the tools make sense, but application level controls such as a browse "dialog", even though it won't be a dialog, would be a good example.
There will be far more templates and RAD tools. In code and within the designer. This will translate to both the desktop side as well as the web side. Take localization for example. At the moment, there are too many steps to localize while you are coding. In the code window, you will be able to create a new localization key without having to pop out and go over to a localization editor. Same through designers.
We will stay true to our current philosophy of allowing you to make changes after the code is generated for a BO. But there will be more "code generation" and template code that you will be able to implement.
Once we get to the point of showing things that will be making it into the framework for sure we will start posting videos. This is still a ways out, but we are very excited about SF 2.0 also...remember we use it too!
By João Evangelista Bezerra de Sousa - 1/25/2013
Hi Trent,
I wonder when will be released the 2.0 version of SF. Is there any prediction? I'm anxious to see the new interface controls, especially new constroles for WPF?
Thank you!
By StrataFrame Team - 1/25/2013
Hrm... Joao, a teaser, just for you... This might cause things to explode 
A screenshot of the new editor for the entities. We still have a few things to wrap up before the beta. Coding in in SFv1 is like working in the Stone Age compared to the new stuff.
By Michel Levy - 1/26/2013
Wow !!!!!!
By Olivier - 1/26/2013
Great , i wait it impatiently !
By João Evangelista Bezerra de Sousa - 1/28/2013
Very good. Now I'm more anxious. Let's wait.
Thank you!
By Rogerio Mauri - 1/28/2013
Nós também estamos aguardando...
By Olivier - 3/5/2013
Hi All,
Have you any news about the 2.0 coming soon ?
By Rogerio Mauri - 8/11/2013
SF2.0 ????
By StrataFrame Team - 8/12/2013
We're shooting for October/November for the beta of the framework. The beta for the DDT will be shortly after that.
By Edhy Rijo - 8/13/2013
Ben Chase (8/12/2013) We're shooting for October/November for the beta of the framework. The beta for the DDT will be shortly after that. Awesome news Ben, we are ready for it.
By Jericho Johnson - 11/13/2013
Ben Chase (8/12/2013) We're shooting for October/November for the beta of the framework. The beta for the DDT will be shortly after that.
Any news or updates on SF 2.0 beta yet?
By Olivier - 11/15/2013
May be the SF 2.0 'll arrive for 25th december ? a big gift for us !
ps : if you can change road map 2012 in road map 2014, it ll be great.
thanks Olivier
By Tony Charpentier - 1/3/2014
Hello All,
Have you any news about the SF new version ?
In the road map they say 2012 ?
thanks for any release date .
By hector - 1/19/2014
Hi folks,
Is there any news about ver 2.0?
Maybe strataframe guys inform us about this.
Many thanks in advance.
By Terry Bottorff - 1/25/2014
I'm about to start a new project and was also wondering if Version 2 was close so I could start my new project with your new Version 2?
By Olivier - 1/28/2014
Hello Strata Team,
If you can modify the road map 2012 to see when the version 2 come.
it ll be great cause We have no news.
thanks Olivier,
By hector - 2/4/2014
Hi Strataframe Team :
Could you please inform us about SF 2.0?
Kind regards
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/5/2014
StrataFrame V2 is moving along and is planned for a summer release. You will start seeing site changes, forum updates, and new blogs around April. We have some new team members that we will be introducing as well. Sorry for the silence lately, but we are full throttle and extremely excited about V2.
As for betas, we will start having some betas in the April/May time frame for different pieces of the framework. Stay posted and we will be showing more over the coming months.
By Olivier - 2/5/2014
thanks trent
Your post it's a good Sound.
i hope to change the way to store the Bo on the web, without variable session. cause when it's expire, if the user load the web page after the timeout , the grid is empty.
thanks again , and i wait the update and new blog (for strat it's a blog on google)
And Welcome to your new team !
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/5/2014
Oliver, that is a great point. The new business objects are 100% object models. Though you can output to a data table if you want, it will not be the store. So the entire object is far easier to serialized and deal with for sessions. Technically you can do that with the current BOs also. You can serialize a BO which will save the state and then you can restore the state when the session is restarted.
But the next version of SF is far easier when dealing with environments like this.
By hector - 2/5/2014
Thanks Trent....
We are now much more excited about SF 2.0
We belive in you and your team
Kind regards
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/5/2014
Thanks, Hector. That means a lot...and gives us even more motivation!
It will be worth the wait!
By Olivier - 2/10/2014
Trent L. Taylor (2/5/2014) Oliver, that is a great point. The new business objects are 100% object models. Though you can output to a data table if you want, it will not be the store. So the entire object is far easier to serialized and deal with for sessions. Technically you can do that with the current BOs also. You can serialize a BO which will save the state and then you can restore the state when the session is restarted.
But the next version of SF is far easier when dealing with environments like this.
Thanks Trent for your reply it's a good news.
Have you a tutorial to save or restore a business object ? it's possible to store on the client for the web ?
The most complicated for me, if the user start an Edit mode , and he s starting to write on the field, if the session end. When he validate the Bo Save, he lose his data.
The concept work in Winform but in Webform, we have to start an edit mode just before the user save the bo. (like php or But the input are disabled if we don't active the edit mode.
I can tell you more about this subject, in other post, if you want.
thanks for your help.
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/11/2014
It is just a matter of serializing the BO with the contents or state that you want and then deserializing it when the session is restored. You can serialize a BO to a byte array or to a stream. Below is a sample of serializing to a byte array that you could store any way that you like, including in another table that saves of sessions (or carts, etc.).
MyBO bo = new MyBO(); //-- Load records here
//-- Save to a byte array byte[] saved; saved = bo.SerializeToByteArray();
//-- Deserialize the BO to the saved state MyBO newInstance = (MyBO)MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessLayer.DeserializeBusinessObject(saved);
Remember that you can also call the SerializeToStream on the BO to save to a file or memory stream.
By Larry Caylor - 9/26/2014
Summer has come and gone and still no StrataFrame 2.0. I realize that it is a huge undertaking to implement all of the things outlined in the 2.0 roadmap but it has been a long time since the start of the project was announced and information on its progress only seems to appear when someone asks, so I'm asking what is the latest projected date that we will see something released? How about starting a monthly positing under updates in the forum to let the SF community know where things are at so we can avoid speculation and questions? If the date slips, I'm sure there is a good reason but it would be nice to know for future project planning.
All successful software projects are the result of good communication between the developers and users.
By Edhy Rijo - 9/26/2014
I agree with Larry and would really appreciate more communication or posting screenshots of what is coming.
By Buffie - 9/26/2014
I'm also in agreement. No news is bad news. If we have an idea that something will appear we can at least start planning. No major developments since I don't remember when is not what anyone wants - You or certainly us . Please some new information.
By Andrew Harper - 9/28/2014
I am also in total agreement with Larry.
The reluctance to provide any updates on progress despite requests on the Forum at best creates uncertainty, at worst ...
By Olivier - 10/1/2014
No news ? micro four is alive or not ? May be they don't want to sell again strataframe solution ?
By Michael Reese - 10/6/2014
I'm not a paid spokesperson but SF is in Healthcare and right now many of us are up all day and night trying to make Meaningful Use deadlines which is HUGE. October is a big month.
That's my two cents. Michael
By hector - 12/4/2014
Welcome back Trent ,
Would you like update us about version 2.0?
Kind regards...
By hector - 12/16/2014
Hi SF team members,
Could you please give us and update of new version?
We really need this as developers in this competitive world.
Kind regards.
By Keith Chisarik - 1/2/2015
I agree wholeheartedly that we need (and deserve) an update with a realistic timeline.
By Buffie - 1/2/2015
This discussion started back in 2008 I believe. That is almost 7 years and now I believe we do need some information and a realistic time line.
By hector - 1/5/2015
I totally agree with friends.
SF guys can understand us that we are in wild business competition.
We need your support to see the future.
We really believe in this product but this silence really worry us.
Hope we can hear u soon.
By Olivier - 1/5/2015
I wonder about this webpage "Road Map for 2012"
it'll be great if the SF team can write a Good Date
i understand it's difficult to rewrite all code to inherit from entity framework , but a percent about the rest of working.
By Larry Caylor - 1/15/2015
I can't speak for other forum members but for me the fact that this thread is still active after almost 7 years with no definitive delivery date is extremely frustrating. While the published roadmap describes a comprehensive and obviously resource intensive effort to deliver, the time it would take by comparison to inform StrataFrame customers of its status would be insignificant. One of the things that sold me on SF in the first place was the active participation, communication and superb support provided by its developers via this forum. However it has been almost a year since anyone from StrataFrame has posted to this thread and during that period overall participation in the forum by the developers has been conspicuously absent. I realize that StrataFrame is not MicroFour's primary business and that other business needs may take priority, especially considering the ongoing changes in health care. However I feel that MicroFour should, at a minimum, provide periodic updates to SF users, even if that update is that they are focusing on other projects. Lacking any concrete information, current SF customers/developers are left to speculate among themselves. Will SF 2.0 ever be released or is SF 1.0 the end of the road? The organization I work for has made applications developed using StrataFrame a critical part of its operation. Not only has it invested in licenses, and annual software support and subscription fees for ES, it has spent considerable time and money in recruiting and training its programmers to use the product. I personally have put my reputation on the line by continuing to advocate the use of SF as our primary development platform to senior management. I would greatly appreciate it if someone from MicroFour would take a few minutes to inform the members of this forum as to the status/future, whatever it is, of version 2.0. It would really help me formulate my future software development plans as well as I'm sure help other members formulate theirs. -Larry
By Buffie - 1/15/2015
Yes sir, It's time.
By Edhy Rijo - 1/15/2015
Hi all, I cannot agree more with Larry Caylor and other members of the SF community. I just started a huge SF project converting a VFP application that has been working for over 30 years and it is a huge commitment.
The reasons for me to keep using StrataFrame is very simple, it is a reliable work of art, code just work and I have never had a significant issue with the several projects I have created. That alone speak volume about the quality of the current version, and been able to use new .Net runtimes and Visual Studio 2013 is a good thing, but I also feel the frustration of not having more close participation from the SF team here and not seeing the new stuff I already know they have developed for their medical application, if you want to take a pick look at this link.
I hope to hear positive news from the SF team soon.
By Olivier - 1/15/2015
@eddy : Larry pay for strata and he doesn t get a new feature ! It s normal to write This. larry manage team and he need to know what ll be the future.
eddy You think only for You and not for a team, with a large business.
i wait long time any modification in strata for the webform cause there a bug to use with . And we don t have any news.
if microfour has 2 business , they need to have 2 team, and May be more developpers. if strata win enough money to get a stand alone team, microfour must to continue.
but if they don t win money, and only the market on health care,They need to say our, if it s the end, and if we need to find other product. It s important, their answer.
By Edhy Rijo - 1/15/2015
Hi Olivier,
Olivier (1/15/2015) @eddy : Larry pay for strata and he doesn t get a new feature ! It s normal to write This. larry manage team and he need to know what ll be the future.
eddy You think only for You and not for a team, with a large business.
I think that you did not understand my previous post. I agree with Larry, you, Chan and every member of the SF community.
By Andrew Harper - 1/15/2015
Thanks Larry for so clearly articulating the situation that I also face.
Hopefully from someone from Microfour will take the time to provide an update.
Best regards,
By Olivier - 1/15/2015
Edhy Rijo (1/15/2015) Hi all, I cannot agree more with Larry Caylor and other members of the SF community.
My apologies edhy , i see "i can not agree".
By Jericho Johnson - 1/16/2015
Hello Everyone,
I too am anxious about the continued support of Strataframe (or apparent lack thereof). I too have created a number of projects using it and have come to rely on it.
I reached out to Strataframe sales via email on Tuesday, and Trent did reply to me the same day with the following:
We are still here and there is still SF 2.0 coming out. Instead of going over it here, I will do just as you suggested and post it online ASAP so that everyone knows what is going on and can plan accordingly. StrataFrame is at the heart of our company and is also the future. We are very excited about what is coming out. Thanks for your continued support and we look forward to continuing our relationship moving forward.
Trent L.Taylor
Vice President of Software Development
I had hoped that "ASAP" would have been within 1 or 2 days. I am hoping that Trent, and Strataframe, will come through for us soon.
By Larry Caylor - 1/16/2015
Hi Jericho,
Your post is the most positive item to appear on this thread in a long time. I apologize to everyone, especially MicroFour, if my last post was somewhat negative but it had the result that I wanted in that it got everyone talking. We are all users of the product, and if you're like me, think it is absolutely the best framework for developing solid high performance applications. I've looked around and there is nothing else out there that even comes close to providing all the functionality and programmer productivity gains that SF 1.0 does. If there were never a 2.0 I would continue to use the current version for the foreseeable future.
My only request is the ALL SF customers be kept up to date on the progress/plans for a new release, especially given the very long development cycle needed to make it a reality. A simple thread on this forum with a brief monthly update would eliminate all the FUD surrounding the product. Good things are worth waiting for but in the meantime you need some assurance you're not waiting for something that is never going to happen.
Hopefully Trent will post an update shortly because I'm really excited to hear about where they are with the new version.
By Rogerio Mauri - 1/22/2015
In Brazil, we are also waiting for the new version.
By Rainer Kempf, RK - 1/23/2015
Hi Guys,
The same is valid for Germany....
I read this task so often, but nothing really changeing.
I understand the it's difficult to say exact launchtime but if i would communicate with my Customers like SF make it with us, they will kill me.
My Experience say : When i say to my Customer please look here i have this or this Problem he see's that i am really working on his problem. Maybe i can't say ok it's finished next week or next month but he had idea of whats going on.
Here it's like Oracle of Delphi....
i think it's not good style to say nothing... and 6 years its REALY REALY long Time..... I bought 2 years ago last update and Trent write me at this time, they will release DDT as first part ...
so Trent wrote me on 6. Dec 2012 :
. We are working on inand will be releasing it in phases. The first full piece to come out willmost likely be the Database Deployment Toolkit. We will have a betaprogram for active users as well when we make the object entity (businessobject) mapper and creation available. So you will see new productthroughout 2013.
lets see what happens....
thanks Rainer
By Jericho Johnson - 1/27/2015
For Everyone who is monitoring this forum topic:
Trent posted a big update about SF 2.0!!!
StataFrame 2.0 - Where We Are Now
Very encouraging.
By Larry Caylor - 1/27/2015
I just finished reading your latest post and I'm glad to hear that MicroFour is still alive and kicking. I can sympathize with the havoc that government regulations can cause in the private sector and was worried that, without any news otherwise, MicroFour may have become a causality. The Affordable Care Act and related changes at the State level had a huge impact on the way the organization I work for does business. But fortunately for us, as part of the government, we've received funding to deal with it. While we had to endure the resulting chaos, it didn't negatively impact our income. Having to deal with both would be a nightmare.
SF version 2 sounds very exciting and while I would love to have my hands on it yesterday, I can be patient knowing that it will eventually be released. I've wanted to see the full object model since I first started using SF and the improvements to web application development would be another big plus for me. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading the development team's blogs.
By hector - 1/27/2015
Hi Trent,
Thanks for update.
My friendly and sincere suggestion to MicroFour to increase support to this form users for daily issues.
We can wait this great product while knowing SF team is near us.
We will feel our self in safe in that case.
And this will give you enough time to develop SF 2.0.
Best regards
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/27/2015
I thought about you guys a time or two during this process and wondered if it would impact you. Glad to hear that you made it through relatively unscathed. In February we will be releasing a blog for both myself and for Ben and we will keep you more apprised of the goings on through there. But we too are ready to have SF V2 out the door!! Thanks for your support!
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/27/2015
The daily time we can now contribute to SF is also being more active in the forums. All good advice.
By Aaron Young - 1/27/2015
I have to admit I feared the worst so I appreciate the update. I look forward to hearing how severe the upgrade path is for an existing SF 1 application, i.e. is it a re-write around a significantly different SF2. |
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/28/2015
I can address at least part of that. I am not sure how much time you have spent in WPF, but there is a very steep learning curve to be proficient. The concept is completely different and you have to learn how to work with multiple languages, basically. You have all of the new classes and concepts, but you also have to learn XAML. Conceptually WPF is 100% different and it has been my experience that you cuss it until to catch it. There are some things that if feels like you are going backwards on, but others that are incredible regarding WPF. The fact that it sits on top of a true graphics engine (Direct X) and can run in a less robust environments as well is pretty awesome in regards to performance. However, the further you dig into WPF the more you see the need and importance of a framework. That being said, StrataFrame V2 has changed philosophies moving to a true object entity model. This means that your old BOs will be re-created as entities, which trust me, you will be happy about once you do it. We will try and provide some tools to convert things over to a certain degree, but the objects you use now will be replaced as you move forward. This doesn't have to all be done at once. The good news is that you are still in .NET, so you can migrate things over a piece at a time, but in the end, you will have a new code base for your UI and business entities. The data layer is pretty transparent, so there isn't much to do there. Hope that at least gives you a bit of information so you can plan moving forward.
By Edhy Rijo - 1/28/2015
Hi Trent,
Glad to you see back!!!!
As you may guess, there are many more questions 
I like the idea of WPF, even though I have not even try it yet, but when using Windows Form, will the BO still be based on Entity Framework?
P.S. I am working on converting a complex VFP application into SF VB.Net and even though I am very used to the DDT, there are some automation needs that would help setting the NULL Type, etc. current version could be very tricky and get things messed up if not careful, I can't wait to see the new one, even if that what is being released first.
By Olivier - 1/28/2015
Hello Edhy,
i suggest to you to stay with Winform while Microsoft find a good way with html5 and css3 for desktop app.
Like a silverlight, i think Wpf will not during with the time
May be i m wrong. But Ms has not make a good choice since 10 years with his dev ide. i think the futur ll be Html5 and css for the Unification of Development across platform.
Foxpro was a good product, they could have put in open source as ilt do it for the core .NET with certain rules.
They would have gained purchase windows server or server sql.
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/28/2015
> I like the idea of WPF, even though I have not even try it yet, but when using Windows Form, will the BO still be based on Entity Framework?
Just to clarify, it is not the "Entity Framework" from Microsoft, but it is an entity object model. Yes, you will still use the entity model in the Windows Forms side of things. Obviously you can still use the standard BO there as well. In fact, I have used an SF V1 BO to populate an object model to use in WPF. So there are a lot of ways to go about this, but in the end you want to convert all of your BOs into entities. They are going to be faster and do a lot more for you. But for now, since the SF V2 isn't released, yes, create BOs and move forward as you normally would.> The future of WPF
I saw that Oliver posted regarding the future of WPF so I thought I would comment here. First, Microsoft is all in with WPF. There hasn't been any GDI+ development since before Windows 7 hit the street. WPF is pretty amazing when you dig into the guts of it, but moreover, this is the platform that Microsoft is betting on. HTML5 is cool and there will be more attention given to it by Microsoft, but it cannot and will not replace the desktop platform. Silverlight, on the other hand, is basically an extension of WPF to the web. And honestly, if you are writing an application that needs to be made available online, then yes, go for it. It is robust and you can write powerful applications using WPF for the web environment. However, you wouldn't want to use Silverlight for a standard website. In this case HTML5 will most definitely become the leader, and has. But in short, WPF as a development platform is only going to grow and so at some point it is really important to jump off of the Windows Forms platform and onto WPF.
At some point I am going to be releasing my blog. This will cover some topics about my transition to WPF. Honestly, it really made me mad at first. I wanted to get in the ring for at least a 5 minute round with whoever was trying to force WPF into the marketplace. But once I wrapped my head around the engine and its potential, I started to come around. Like any platform, there are things that I don't like and things that I do. But in the end, I think that WPF is here to stay and is the direction developers need to move in order to stay current with the marketplace and the OS platforms coming out in the future.
By Olivier - 1/28/2015
@Trent : the future will speak about this.
For the 2.0 with strata, the Business Object with stay store in Session Variable ? or we can to desactivate this ?
because it produces bugs when opening twice the same webform, data is stored in a global variable (session), and the last open window takes precedence over all others. This caused me data duplication. or if my customer write on the webform during a long time , they can lose his data. or the web app can be grow in memory of the server, cause we we must use session variables limited as this take the ram of the server. And if you have 1000 users on your server, it is a less lightweight solution that entity with or php.
Can you resolve this?
thanks Olivier
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/28/2015
Whether dealing with SF V1 or SF V2, if you are coding in ASP.NET, the session and session management is going to plan a pivotal role in your application. However, in SF V2 we plan to have a true session manager that will clean things up a lot, but the main problem in SF V1 with the BO in the session has to do with the ADO.NET back end inside the BO. You can prevent the data duplication issues that you mentioned in SF V1 if you manage the session correctly, but you have to create a static root object (BO) and the populate the instance objects. So depending on what language you are using this might change slightly. It is hard for me to speak directly to the problem that you are running into unless I see your code, but the short answer is that the entity model in conjunction with the session manager should really make things much easier. The session manager will allow you to easily save off your session and then restore it when the user returns to the site with the entities still intact, for example.
By Olivier - 1/28/2015
Hello trent
I answer on this thread , if you help me for the 2.0 |
By Aaron Young - 1/28/2015
All sounds good. Sorry for the questions but I have a couple more: Will the user security model remain the same or be completely changed? Will the new entity objects bind directly to third party controls without the need for a business binding source? Aaron
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/28/2015
> Will the user security model remain the same or be completely changed?
It will be very similar in regards to the features and functionality. The code will be completely new, but the logic and implementation will be very similar. There are some things that were missed in regards to Windows Integration that will be better implemented this go around. But most all of the functionality that exists now will move forward.
> Will the new entity objects bind directly to third party controls without the need for a business binding source?
Great questions...and the great news is that there will no longer be the need for the business binding source! You can bind directly to 3rd party controls with no wrapper. Aside from that, the binding in WPF is one thing that is WAY better. But the binding will be true for Windows Forms as well in regards to no longer needing the BBS.
By Edhy Rijo - 1/28/2015
Hi Trent,
Trent L. Taylor (1/28/2015) Just to clarify, it is not the "Entity Framework" from Microsoft, but it is an entity object model. ...the binding in WPF is one thing that is WAY better. But the binding will be true for Windows Forms as well in regards to no longer needing the BBS. Awesome news. I am more excited for the new entity object model "SFE" because I am using lot of DevExpress controls and no having to create a BBS will be a great deal to me.
I know that with the upcoming Windows 10 and MS Universal Applications, some things will change on the UI, but having an Entity Object we can use from Windows Form, WPF, ASPX or vNext it is a real convenience.
Personally, I love all the features of the current SF1 BO simply because I have exploited all to my advantage, filtering, sorting, navigation, filling the ADO data table, ExecuteScalar, etc. so looking forward to get my hands into the new SFE objects.
By Trent L. Taylor - 1/29/2015
Personally, I love all the features of the current SF1 BO simply because I have exploited all to my advantage, filtering, sorting, navigation, filling the ADO data table, ExecuteScalar, etc. so looking forward to get my hands into the new SFE objects.
And the new entities do all of that and so much more and far more efficiently!
By Olivier - 2/11/2015
Hello Trent,
You think that the new version ll be available for second quarter Q2 ?
thanks Olivier
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/12/2015
Oliver, I am not going to give any dates. We are wanting it just as badly as you guys, so we are working on it with gusto. Trust me, as soon as we feel comfortable handing out a date, we will make it public knowledge. We will have a beta before the release and you would definitely qualify for being part of that. We will have a sign-up list for the beta when we get a little further. So as part of the beta you can get your hands on it a little sooner. Sorry I can't give you a more concrete answer.
By Rogerio Mauri - 2/16/2015
Guys, you have created an excellent tool. Do not give up the project !!!! Believe in the dream. I have a dream... SF 2.0
By Andrew Harper - 4/21/2015
Just wondering if there was any update on progress with version 2 and the proposed developer blogs? << Wrapping Up More than anything we wanted to tell everyone how much we appreciate the StrataFrame community. I know that it has been frustrating waiting on us to get this out, and we apologize for the delays. But we have built a solid team here at MicroFour and StrataFrame V2 is well underway. We will be pushing out several blogs as well that we will publish and send out a community wide notification. Two of the blogs will include both Trent and Ben’s blogs which will show StrataFrame progress as well as…well…whatever they feel like talking about. If you have any questions or want to know about something we did not cover, please email us and let us know. Thanks for your continued support and we are extremely excited about the future of StrataFrame and this great community!
By Larry Caylor - 4/24/2015
I'm wondering the same thing.
By Larry Caylor - 6/29/2015
It's been about six months since the last update on SF 2.0, are there any updates? Also VS 2015 is scheduled to be released July 20th, will there be a corresponding release of SF 1.0 that is compatible?
By Rainer Kempf, RK - 7/20/2015
Hello Guys from Strataframe,
I am really disapointet from you. Really big annoucements on Januray from Trent :
In February we will be releasing a blog for both myself and for Ben and we will keep you more apprised of the goings on through there. But we too are ready to have SF V2 out the door!! Thanks for your support!
I can't really understood your politics about sharing Information with us (Developers). What is the Problem ?
I don't talk about a release Date. I am talking about sharing Information.
Slowly i belive that the Version 2.0 will never released...
I had the same experience with a VFP Framework......
I just hope that i'm wrong.....
thank you
By Keith Chisarik - 7/21/2015
Long time SF user, many licenses paid, classes attended, posts written, I feel at this point very sad about the current state of things.
This post was started in 2008, 7 years ago, nuff said. Many posts, promises, etc, come and gone. I was here because I am about to start a new major development, was praying for a ray of hope that I could use SF (WinForms is just not viable for new product development in 2015 sorry) Not going to say anything bad, because I like Trent personally, but professionally I could not be more disappointed.
By Olivier - 7/21/2015
may be the best way is to use in parallel a library with entity framework from ms.
the deployment toolkit it s Great product and is missing in ms world.
But big company can be alternate, cause they bring a new feature each new version and any information in their website at time.
it s hard time for strata and us but we can develop in parallel with other stable product .
By hector - 7/22/2015
Hi folks, I do understand all of you and i also suffered similar issues in this form But i still believe in this product and version 2.0 and i think we should be patient and trust Trent's team. I am not advocate of MicroFour , I am a just a developer as you. I am just sharing my sincere opinions with SF community knowing that building a solid product is not such a easy process. MicroFour's medical application also use this framework and this is out guarantee that this product will be released in a not a very long time period. What Trent's team created so far also is a guarantee of what they will create. As a last word, I suggest to Trent's team to share the progress of the product and i am sure that nobody will take this as a commitment Kind regards to all folks
By Olivier - 7/22/2015
All the developper in majority developp with WinForm , and i use WebForm which is under severe ordeal.
The Foundation or the basis of strataframe for the web , don't work correctly and cause some problems duplications or lose data when the user input. cause the business object are stored in variable session. (Sort of public variable which we can loose data if we are in wifi, 3g or so long in the time.)
So the best way for me is to use Entity Framework, when trent or ben show the new strata inherit entity , i had hope cause the fundation is different for the web.
My be this feature ll come in september. But it's simple to communicate with a community, in up to date Blog.
The announce in the website, is about 2012.
I think sincerly , that strata is not the priority of microfour, and it's the same like product open source, the service ans support are better in a bigger internationnal company.
Sorry for this analysis.
i continue to see if any update come, cause i found that deployment toolkit it's a great product and he has'nt equivalent in the market,
By Olivier - 9/3/2015
I know by trent tha strata inherit from entity framework. Ms decide to change the way for Entity Framework 7.0 before 6.0. Does Stratra ll be compatible with entity 7.0 ? or not ? Can you say little more about strata and entity, and where you are at the moment ? So if you use this new library for your Medical App, what the différence about the version 2.0 that we wait ? thanks
By Rainer Kempf, RK - 8/16/2016
Hello to All
This Message i wrote from more then one year ago.....
Hello Guys from Strataframe,
I am really disapointet from you. Really big annoucements on Januray from Trent :
In February we will be releasing a blog for both myself and for Ben and we will keep you more apprised of the goings on through there. But we too are ready to have SF V2 out the door!! Thanks for your support!
I can't really understood your politics about sharing Information with us (Developers). What is the Problem ?
I don't talk about a release Date. I am talking about sharing Information.
Slowly i belive that the Version 2.0 will never released...
I had the same experience with a VFP Framework......
I just hope that i'm wrong..... Since this time nothing really changed .....  
So maybe we can get a little Update ????
thank you
By Jericho Johnson - 8/16/2016
Hello All,
I too have practically given up hope that there will ever be a StrataFrame 2.0.
I really want it, and I would pay for it.
But the lack of communication is quite disturbing. It is great that Ivan and Ben are still active in the forums, supporting the users, but I just noticed that Trent hasn't logged into the forums since November 2015.
If MicroFour could just let us know what is going on, even once a quarter, it would be really helpful. If you have chosen to let StrataFrame die, just have the decency to let us know.
I really want SF 2.0.
Please update us.
By Olivier - 8/16/2016
i suggest to you to consider paradigm solution, it's difficult to find, cause it's not the easier solution, but it's the durable and popular solution.
MVC in the web development is become a paradigm solution for the web and the smartphone solution.
I suggest to you to consider Entity Framework like , the durable solution pour .net development, it's different from strata, but, you ll find more sample on stackoverflow, the deployment exists so, it's call migration.
And the road map run like they say.
Sorry, if the scenario look like Foxpro changes, and strata changes, but it s a real solution.
RoapMap for the EF 7
I suggest to you to start with 6.3 with poco solution , reverse engennering exists, don't take the model solution, just code first, it's the start to use EF in the futur witn 7.X
thanks Olivier,
By Richard Keller - 9/2/2016
The solution is simple... SF 2.0 and should be open sourced. There are several people who could or would extend it. Should be a Nuget package anyways and let the people who were loyal in the beginning use it. I loved SF and used it the Server product until I saw the degradation of support from the best I ever seen to the worst there ever has been.
Open Source it guys. Even unfinished people can try and pickup the pieces.
By Larry Caylor - 2/9/2017
This is probably the longest running thread on the forum and I may be wasting my time adding to it but hopefully someone from StrataFrame/MicroFour will provide some answers.
Since 2006, StrataFrame and the Enterprise application server has enabled my staff to quickly develop a number of high performance business applications to meet the unique needs of our business. Some of these applications are critical to our day-to-day operation. While I'm very satisfied with the product I'm becoming concerned that I've got a lot riding on something that appears to be all but abandoned by its vendor. Other than Ben, I haven't seen anyone from MicroFour on the forum is the last couple of years. Emails sent to MicroFour staff via the forum go unanswered. What used to be the best support I've ever seen from a software vendor has deteriorated to just about the worst. While I have the source to the majority of the framework there are parts that I don't have, like the Enterprise server, which makes me nervous when I see vendor support slipping. So far Ben has come through and fixed bugs in these areas (which I greatly appreciate) but I'm wondering how long I can expect that to continue.
I would really appreciate it if MicroFour would be more transparent about the future of this product. Is there ever going to be a SF 2.0 or maybe event a SF 1.8 that utilizes the new object model that they are already using in their medical applications? If not will there be any future enhancements to SF 1.0? Is the current release the end of the line and if so how long can I expect to maintain compatibility with future version of Visual Studio and SQL Server? Is there any good reason to continue to pay software support?
By Trent L. Taylor - 2/15/2017
[Wrong login - see below Andrew's reply]
By Andrew Harper - 2/15/2017
This is really welcome and long overdue news Trent. Like Larry I had just about given up on a new release. I will look forward to downloading and investigating the alpha release and participating in the new forums. Unfortunately I am about to go on vacation but will look forward to the reaction and following progress. |
By StrataFrame Team - 2/16/2017
You are only too right, Larry. And everyone else who has chimed-in in this thread and others over the years. It's the nature of the software business to have feature-creep, so we've always had the feeling that SFv2 just isn't quite ready. And by ready, I mean commercially ready. Does it have everything we (meaning Ben) want in it? No. Does it have documentation and samples? Not written down (it's all in my head, just have to pry it out  ). Does it have full unit test coverage? Ummm.... But you MicroFour is using it themselves, right? Yes, loads. All of our new projects, and new assemblies in old projects are SFv2 for the data access. (and the $1M question(s)) So, why can't we start playing with it? C'mon, man! Does it have to be 100% before we can take a look? ... ... *crickets* Well, no. We're using it. And we've come to the point where I don't know why you guys can't start using it some, too. There are big chunks missing (no new DDT, yet) (saving doesn't cascade through a tree), but there's soooo much stuff that makes it really worthwhile (multi-level undo) (OutlinedQueries (my absolute new best friend)) (EntityCollectionView.Filter "wait, did you just use a lambda for a filter?" yep) that there's no reason you can't have it in what we can call, say, "Alpha." Beta once we fill in all of the modules, and Release once we have full documentation and it's commercially ready. There are some 40 projects in the solution (templates, the visx, testing framework, working projects are all included in that), and we're going to release about 15 of them. The truth is, it's ready to have some other eyes on it. Enhancement requests, questions, watching how others use it, and documentation requests will help it mature far faster than keeping it locked up. So... I'm just going to leave this here... and you guys can do with it what you will... http://forumv2.strataframe.netAll of your users (email logins) have been converted over to the new forum, but you'll have to reset your passwords (some new hash/salt storage where I can't move those over). I promise I will keep an eye on my email and send you license files as quickly as I can. Edit: Sorry about posting as Trent earlier. Didn't realize that I was still logged in as him when I was testing some logins.