Concurrency Using RowVersion Problem

Jeff Pagley
Jeff Pagley
StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)StrataFrame User (461 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 223, Visits: 893
Hi Guys,

As I have said before, I am a part time programmer and seem to be little rusty all of the time.  With that said, after following the help instructions, I am unable to get SF concurrency using RowVersioning to work.  User A and User B are editing the same record at the same time using the code below.  User A saves the record.  Then User B saves the record and the BO does not throw an exception.  What am I doing wrong?  Thanks for the help!

I have the following properties set on the ContactsBO:

CollisionNoficationType = ThrowException

RowVersionOrTimestampColumn = ContactRowVersion (datatype int - allow nulls)

UpdateConcurrencyType = OptimisticRowVersion

Code Below..............................

Using loBO As New ContactsBO


If loBO.IsEmpty Then

  Return False



  loBO.UserID = GlobalVariables.CurrentUserID


Return True

End If

End Using

Catch ex As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataLayerException

MsgBox("DataLayerException ex = " & ex.Message)

Return False

Catch ex As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.DataLayerSavingException

MsgBox("DataLayerSavingExeption ex = " & ex.Message)

Return False

Catch ex As MicroFour.StrataFrame.Data.RowNotUpdatedException

MsgBox("RowNotUpdateExeption ex = " & ex.Message)

Return False

Catch ex As Exception

Ems.HandleException(Me, ex)

Return False

End Try


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