I have a form with a parent BO and several child BO's, in the main form I use several Listview's and child forms to handle tha data and works pretty well, click on the Edit and the ChildForm shows and let me edit the record.
But I need to open a Child that shows a list of records (ListView) not only one record like all other child's. This ChildForm of course is a related to the main form and should shows the records related to the record selected in the main. I follow the same logic that the other children, establish the relationship and open the form, but How should I fill the data in the list?
The scenario is this, the main form is a Products form, the child form will be open if the product is a kit, so the child windows should have a list with products that are part of the kit, so in this form I have a New, Edit and Delete buttons. The problem is how should the ListView PopulationDataSourceSettings shoud go?
Thanks for your help
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