ChildForm with a ListView

Juan Carlos Pazos
Juan Carlos Pazos
StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 144, Visits: 227

I have a form with a parent BO and several child BO's, in the main form I use several Listview's and child forms to handle tha data and works pretty well, click on the Edit and the ChildForm shows and let me edit the record.

But I need to open a Child that shows a list of records (ListView) not only one record like all other child's. This ChildForm of course is a related to the main form and should shows the records related to the record selected in the main. I follow the same logic that the other children, establish the relationship and open the form, but How should I fill the data in the list?

The scenario is this, the main form is a Products form, the child form will be open if the product is a kit, so the child windows should have a list with products that are part of the kit, so in this form I have a New, Edit and Delete buttons. The problem is how should the ListView PopulationDataSourceSettings shoud go?

Thanks for your help

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