Fill method to select all records where fk value not in a list of integers passed in

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Is the size of the run-time an issue?

Not unless you have download or install limitations.  In most environments this should not be an issue.

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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Thanks Eddy

I'm specing everything against 3.5 and SQL 2008. No reason to be backward compatible with anything.

Is the size of the run-time an issue?
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Charles,

Be aware that LINQ requires .NET 3.0 or 3.5, and there is a size difference between .NET 2.0 runtime and the newest one.

Edhy Rijo

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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It does indeed and that is the direction I was headed before I heard the siren song of LINQ. I am going to mess with both approaches, as I'm sure each will come in handy at one time or another.

By Tuesday I may have LINQ chops to show you Smile (ordered a couple of books as I can see where LINQ to objects can be kind of cool. Beth Massey has a couple of nice aggregation examples on her blog)
Greg McGuffey
Greg McGuffey
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The brute force way is to build a list of PKs from the checked listbox that you then use in a select query.

'-- Build list of selected generated PDFs by

'   looping through selected items in checked list box


'-- Build Select

Dim selectSql = "Select * From Templates Where TemplateID Not In(" & selectedPks & ")"

Likely, you'd generate the list of selected PKs in the form and pass that list to a Fill method in the BO.

Hope that makes sense...
Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
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Actually, I want to fill a checkedlistbox which is getting its data directly from a fill method in the TemplatesBO.

Currently it is just doing a fillall()

(though I'd still like to know a how to of the previous BO / BO question )

Now, I have a PDFsBO that just represents selected records (same scenario as first question)

Now I want to write a fill method to fill the second checked listbox "Templates" so that no item comes from a record that has a pk matching an itemplateskey found in PDFsBO

I assume I need to pass in a list (or array?) of itemplateskeys found in pdfsBO.

But what is the "Select " statement for the fill that will select only records "where ikey not in (select itemplateskey from parameterarray)")


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