Fill method to select all records where fk value not in a list of integers passed in

Charles R Hankey
Charles R Hankey
Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (938 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 524, Visits: 30K
Actually, I want to fill a checkedlistbox which is getting its data directly from a fill method in the TemplatesBO.

Currently it is just doing a fillall()

(though I'd still like to know a how to of the previous BO / BO question )

Now, I have a PDFsBO that just represents selected records (same scenario as first question)

Now I want to write a fill method to fill the second checked listbox "Templates" so that no item comes from a record that has a pk matching an itemplateskey found in PDFsBO

I assume I need to pass in a list (or array?) of itemplateskeys found in pdfsBO.

But what is the "Select " statement for the fill that will select only records "where ikey not in (select itemplateskey from parameterarray)")


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