InstallAware releases VS2010 .Net 4.0 Framework Runtimes....

Edhy Rijo
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Ivan, thanks for the explanation, now I understand.

Edhy Rijo

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Yeah, I would also be fine if I hadn't made some customizations to the SF source code (don't tell "anyone" I did it!).
But as I have done so, I do need to recompile it, and then I hit the error I mentioned before right in the DBEngine project, which uses SMO. This is because the SMO now makes reference to the CLR 3.5 System.Core ( ), and then VS2010 SP1 will complain about it, since SF is compiled under CLR 2.0. That is where I got stuck and had to change the source code to compile under 3.5.
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Ivan,

Ivan George Borges (12/9/2011)
A bit late, but thanks for posting this. I faced an issue with VS 2010 Service Pack 1 and SqlServer.SMO referencing .NET Framework 3.5, so as Keyth and Marcia have already done it, I had to recompile SF under CLR 3.5 and now I will have to make sure my installations test this pre-requisite on the clients machines. Since I own Installaware 7, I didn't have these CLRs ready for installation. Your post directed me to the right place!

You are welcome, but just to be clear, I have not seen the issue that requires me to rebuild SF under CLR 3.5.  Here is my configuration:
VS2010 SP1
All my projects are using .Net 4.5 runtime.
SF source is as distributed by MicroFour, only the DevExpress solution is rebuild, but using 2.0.
InstallAware 9 R2.

I install the SQL SMO2008 with a custom IA script, I don't remember if I created it, or get it from somebody else couple of years ago, if you need it I can send it to you.

Edhy Rijo

Ivan George Borges
Ivan George Borges
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Edhy Rijo (4/19/2010)
Hi guys,

For those of you using InstallAware they just released an update to add the .Net 4.0 Framework runtimes, here are the links:

Hey Edhy.

A bit late, but thanks for posting this. I faced an issue with VS 2010 Service Pack 1 and SqlServer.SMO referencing .NET Framework 3.5, so as Keyth and Marcia have already done it, I had to recompile SF under CLR 3.5 and now I will have to make sure my installations test this pre-requisite on the clients machines. Since I own Installaware 7, I didn't have these CLRs ready for installation. Your post directed me to the right place!

Thank you. Wink
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Terry,

Yes, you should build your IA setup based on the Released version of your application not the debug.  What I do is that once a released version is ready to ship out, after compilation I copy all the assemblies to another folder from which serve as the image source for the IA setup.

Edhy Rijo

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Thank you. 
When I right click on my Project and go to Properties and I look at the Compile tab I notice that Configuration is set to Active(Debug).
Do I need to change the Compile from Active(Debug) to Release and then Publish my Project before I try to create my setup with IA?  
Edhy Rijo
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Terry Bottorff (5/28/2011)
Do you get the assemblies out of the \Program Files (x86)\MicroFour\StrataFrame\Assemblies?

Yes and no.  Since I develop multiple projects, I rather have all my runtime assemblies in a common folder for all projects, separated by versions, this way, if I get a new version of SF, it will not override the previous assemblies and still will be able to re-create my setups.

Terry Bottorff (5/28/2011)
Do you put the assemblies in the GAC on the Clients machine or copy them into the TargetDir?

Yes and no.  For some standard applications, I use the TARGETDIR, but for others which are more specialized, I use the GAC just to add a level of confusion for somebody trying to copy the application to another computer and make it work illegally, I mostly do this for fun, as far as know, some customer have tried but adding some good security code protect the investment and of course my lunch <smile!!!>

Edhy Rijo

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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A couple of follow up questions. 
Do you get the assemblies out of the \Program Files (x86)\MicroFour\StrataFrame\Assemblies? 
Do you put the assemblies in the GAC on the Clients machine or copy them into the TargetDir?

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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Good enough. Thank you so much.
Edhy Rijo
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I never used the merge modules.  I add each assembly to the IA Assemblies page.

Edhy Rijo


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