Devexpress textEdit SF Control in Toolbox

Ger Cannoll
Ger Cannoll
Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (628 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 430, Visits: 507
I want to start using the SF DEVExpress textEdit control but cannot find it in the toolbox in StrataFrame Controls. (I can see a textEdit control  under Devex controls ok but I presume I need to use it from SF ).

How do I get this control into the toolbox

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Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                         Ok.. after doing a bit of searching around in the forum, I found the...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                         Hi Gerard, [quote][b]Gerard O Carroll (3/30/2011)[/b][hr]Got a bit...
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                             Hi Edhy. I got this working ok... if you see my last post
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                                 Very good Gerard, glad it is working.
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                                     I have , for the first time, amended the SF Source code to give...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago
                                         [quote][b]Gerard O Carroll (4/5/2011)[/b][hr]My only concern is that...
Edhy Rijo - 13 Years Ago
                                             Hi Edhy. I suspected that was going to be the answer. I suppose...
Ger Cannoll - 13 Years Ago

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