DataSourceKey Not Defined

Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (573 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 119, Visits: 11K
I am having an issue with a module on my client's machine. I have 4 other modules running on this same machine. I have installed this module on an Virtual box and it works fine. I have installed on another laptop and it works???
When I create my modules I put a Connection choice on my menus so if need be we can change the data connection. The first time you run the module it goes through the data connection wizard but then when you actually make a menu choice you get the attached error. When you run the Connection choice on the menu no Connection Shows up? When you add one and get back to the original connection screen no connection shows up???? I have never had this happen before?
Data is attached to SqlExpress and there is data in the tables.

I just need some help as to where to start looking.
NoDataSourceKey.jpg (299 views, 136.00 KB)

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Buffie - 9 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 9 Years Ago
Buffie - 9 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 9 Years Ago
Edhy Rijo - 9 Years Ago
                         I thought I set it up to run as an Admin but not sure so I will check...
Buffie - 9 Years Ago
                             Just so both of you know. I set the module to be run as an Admin and...
Buffie - 9 Years Ago
                                 Glad it worked for you!!!
Edhy Rijo - 9 Years Ago

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