Every now and again I unexplainably lose a number of .NET templates, specifically the web templates, but often some other random templates as well. Usually devenv/install or installvstemplates brings them back. But THIS time it didn't. no matter what I tried, I could not get them back. So, after googling the web for I while I found what seems like a foolproof solution:
Install "VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe" and then install "WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi" http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/0/8/8086c312-16b1-4e54-a4cc-80a6c171112e/VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/0/6/906064ce-0bd1-4328-af40-49dca1aef87c/WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi
(this is in Eric Hammersley's blog: http://geekswithblogs.net/ehammersley/archive/2005/11/08/59451.aspx