A couple of minor requests

Ben Hayat
Ben Hayat
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 374, Visits: 1.2K
"Thank you, sir."

That, brings up an embracing memory, but you guys have to promise me not to make fun of me.

I was always taught by my parent to say "Thank You Sir", and had become my second nature to say that.

Well, in my teens, when I received my first (and best) kiss from this girl, I turned around and said,... "Thank you Sir", and before you know I got a slap on the face for saying "Thank You Sir". Since then I always think about it twice Tongue

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Yeah, I was the same way, my parents raised me to say sir, and I still say "sir" on the end of just about everything.  My wife doesn't like it when I say "ma'am" when I'm talking to her, and it took about 3 years to get to where I can carry on a conversation with her and not say "ma'am." 

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