Well the good news is that I know that there isn't an issue with the RowVersion concurrency...this is probably the most common concurrency logic used

. So we will want to look at your code a little closer.
First, I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish by catching all of the individual exception types...I assume that you have some need for this in your application...so we can just skip over that for now. Second, you will not want to allow NULLs on the row version field...bad mojo could come
Next, you will need to indicate whether you are using CRUD settings, etc. If you are using the DDT and allowing the sprocs to be created for you, did you set the row version column on the table properties?

You will also notice in that screen shot that the UPDATE procedure will need to have the concurrency set to Optimistic Row Version as well.
Also, you should just set the BO CRUD properties on through the BO designer versus in code each time...it you are going to have the same concurrency type each time, which you should.
Finally, you will want to handle the COncurrencyException event versus trying to catch the exception as you currently are. If there is a concurrency collision, the ConcurrencyException event will be raised...that is where you will want to place your logic...not a bunch of Try/Catches.
Hopefully one of these suggestions should get you going.