Am I missing a step? When I go and create an new project it is looking for DevExpress 7.3 when I check the references in the project.
Please help!!!!
- DevExpress.Data.v7.3
- DevExpress.Utils.v7.3
- DevExpress.XtraBars.v7.3
- DevExpress.XtraEditors.v7.3
- DevExpress.XtraGrid.v7.3
I also still have my DevExpress V8.3 references. If I delete the DevExpress V7.3 references and recompile everything is good.
What am I doing wrong.
Please help
I will give you some history on how I upgraded the StrataFrame Source code. I downloaded and installed StrataFame source. I downloaded the DevExpress 8.3 Controls. I then ran the DevExpress Project Converter on the \Program Files\MicroFour\StartaFarme Source directory. I then re-compiled the source control, and then ran the StrataFrame batch.bat that created all of the dlls in the root of the source directory. I copied all of the dll's to the \Program Files\MicroFour\StrataFrame\Assembly directory and the \Program Files\Common\Microfour\StrataFrame directory
I suspect the problem is in the StrataFrame Template for the DevExpress. Was I suppose to copy everything from the source directory to the other two directories?
Thanks in advance
Mike Rogers
Well, I don't know how the DevEx Project Converter works, but I would search for v7.3 on the SF Inherited UI solution and see if I found something. Another thing that I would check would be to rebuild the toolbox and make sure the control your are using from it references the right version.