Memory leak SF BO with DevExpress ASPxDataGridView

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Does include the memory leak fix as well?

Yes.  As for the file size, I am unsure why it was smaller other than I might have sent you just that one file in debug mode.  But your assessment is correct.

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I have created sample project, which is exactly the same as previous one. It only contains 1 BO and DevExpress GridView. I keep reload the page and below is the log of memory taken by each drop

First Load - 52564

First Memory Drop - 55316

Second Memory Drop - 56260

Third Memory Drop - 56284

Fourth Memory Drop - 56400

Fiveth Memory Drop - 57268

and etc

I recorded video. Please download it from

I also recorded using performance monitor which as attached. During performance monitoring, I found that, the memory will keep increasing, drop, stay at same level for a while, then will increase again for some time (this jump will be almost back to previous before drop level and more), then drop again (but is higher that previous drop), stay for a while and increase again.

The sample project is very simple, therefore the memory leak is not that serious. If I run my web app, it easily eat up few hundred MB.

Sample Project:

Please advice. Thank you
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May I know any status?

Thank you
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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First, let me apologize for the length of time in getting back to you.  Recently, we have seemed to go back and forth quit a bit with you in this area so I wanted to make sure that we did a thorough test to ensure that there is no memory leak.  In short, we have proven using your very sample that there is no memory leak.  I know that we had given you a build recently with a fix for a memory leak.  However, we wanted to ensure that we did not have anout round of going back and forth on this so we put the sample you sent us (as well as some of our own) to the test.

At no time during these tests did we see any form of a memory leak.  This includes the sample that you sent to us.  If you review the attached video, you will see that the memory never increased but at one point does in fact go back down.  We performed more robust tests that this video shows and setup scenarios where large numbers of postbacks and refreshes were called.  We consistenly saw the memory actually clean up and reduce.

At this point I am uncertain what to tell you other than I do not believe that you are using a build that resolves this issue.  We posted a new build in the last day or so that it may serve you well to install to make sure that you did not run on the incorrect assembly.  I know that this has been an issue in the past.

I hope that this at the very least gives you some direction.  Thanks.

Attachments (218 views, 2.00 MB)
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Thank you for explanation.

In my sample, I also attached SF dll which I used. You might try to reverse engineer to see if it is the latest, as I don't know what SF team changed for memory leak problem. Therefore, I can't check on behalf.

Beside, if you check my video, it is really eat up some number of MB after every "cleanup". In order not to keep back and forth for this issue again, I will try have last try using the latest build posted 2 days ago. However, I would request SF team to troubleshoot via our machine or our whole application if this build still not solve my problem. It could be our mistake as you suspect I am not using the latest one. Therefore, the best approach is SF team to check for us. My company is willing to pay for it, as we already improved quite number of $$$ and time to this tool. As we only want the issue solved so that we can deliver.

Please consider my suggestion, we are looking for any good news.

Thank you
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BTW, I have watched the video that you posted. May I know what exe are looking tracing? I am assuming you are looking at iexplorer.exe as it is highlighted. However, memory leak is happens to IIS (w3wp) or ASP.NET web server (WebDev.WebServer) but not web browser. Somemore, I didn't see IIS / ASP.NET WebServer exe appear in task manager in the video as well

Please advice.

Thank you
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Sorry, one more thing to add on, I am not sure if SF team just stop investigation once see memory is dropped / clean up after few refresh. In fact, first time clean up doesn't meant the rest will clean up "properly". Just for your info.

Thank you
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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We have looked at this from a number of angles.  I am at a loss at this point.  Like you, we have spent a vast amount of time trying to help you on this issue.  This doesn't mean that we are not prepared to continue to help, but we have a large number of users that have web applications developed on SF...including ourselves.  Some of your issues are coming from retrieving vast numbers of records into a grid...this is generally not a recommended approach...web or win forms.  However, that being said, I will take one more look.  But at this point, I do not feel like there is a memory leak.  Another reason for this is that the underlying code to which you are referencing here is also call in non-web code which is highly used in reporting and grids on win forms (or binding natively to .NET in win forms).

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I hope you do not misunderstand me, I do appreciate SF help on this issue. Just that, as we can see we take a lot of time for this, keep back and forth but still not able to solve it (at least at my side). Instead of I keep reporting this issue again and again in future (touch wood), and SF need to re-test again and again, why not we spend some time, whatever approach, to solve it ONCE? Otherwise, it is not able drag OUR time, it also generate bad "image" to others while read the forum. As I don't wish any actions spoil such a good tool.

Anyway, thank you for your help.

Thank you
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Some of your issues are coming from retrieving vast numbers of records into a grid...this is generally not a recommended approach

What is the better approach? Ask before search?

Thank you

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