Memory leak SF BO with DevExpress ASPxDataGridView

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I have posted my sample project

Testing DB
Sample project

I also attached screenshot of ANTS profiler which shown the instances of BO keep increasing for each refresh.


Please advice ASAP

Thank you
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Well, like I said, we have so many people that use XtraReport and DevExpress and don't experience these issues.  So there is some underlying design issue or environmental issue that you guys seem to always be up against.  But at any rate, we will look at the sample that you post to see if there is something framework related.
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I totally agree with what you mentioned, "How come only we hit this issue?!!?!?!" Just like last time, only we hit thread-safe issue, transaction issue and etc. At last only found that 

1. Thread-safe - bug
2. Transaction - Only happen if using ad-hoc CRUD for, working fine for SP
3. Memory leak (1st reported) - DevExpress and SF integration issue

My mgmt also asking since so many developers are using SF and DevExpress UI why don't they hit issue as us? I also don't know how to answer.

Anyway, if you think is our environment issue, please post me question, or I can arrange remote access for you. We can do anything for you, we just need solution!!! Memory leak issue has brought our company into very very worst market position at this moment.

Much appreciate for your help
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May I know any update?
My customer keep calling us, and they expect this issue to be solved before 25/3/2011.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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We are going to look at it one more time, but like all previous examples that you have shown, the problem only seems to persist with the DevExpress grid.  If the same thing is done with an Infragistics grid or the standard web grid, it works perfectly. 

Looking back in our notes, this is the same thing that was mentioned on the previous 2 samples that were sent in.  It looks the disposal does not fire through the DevExpress web grid...and ironically, this was due to an issue that you turned in after a point release of DevExpress over a year ago.

We are not through testing, but these are the current results.
Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)
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Thank you for your efforts.
Really need your help!!

Thank you
Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)Advanced StrataFrame User (622 reputation)
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May I know when should the GridView to dispose the WBBS's data? I asked DevExpress, with below reply:

The datasource should not be disposed of during the pagelife cycle. The grid might use the datasource object even in the PreRenderevent handler. And if you dispose of the datasource somewhere in the code, thegrid will not be able to use it anymore.

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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I did say dispose, but I should have said release a handler.  We are trying to determine what they are hanging on to.  For the record, we are not going to get into a back and forth with DevExpress with you as the middle-man.  We are still evaluating their grid to see if we can do anything that doesn't "break" all other environments.  This is what happened the last time we made this accommodation for you.
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Anyway, hope you found the solutions soon. 

BTW, as I informed earlier, I sent the sample project to Microsoft support, they feedback that BO.List_Changed event is not released. You can refer back my previous messages. HTH
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Which makes sense as this is a part of the IEnumerable interface to which the external controls bound to the WBBS or BBS can control the navigation of the object.  However, it is their responsibility to add and remove the handler.  The WBBS doesn't create the handler for the grid, the grid creates the handler.  Thus the crux of the problem.  We are going to see if there is a way for us, through reflection, to cut the ties to the control.  But at the moment the control is hanging on to the WBBS, not the other way around.

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