Translating into a different language

Ricardo Quartier
Ricardo Quartier
StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)StrataFrame User (145 reputation)
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Posts: 87, Visits: 779
Yo, Ben

Can u give a little bit more details about how to do that?

Within the AppMain.vb file (or program.cs) configure the application to use XML for localization information and provide the path to the folder containing the XML files. ( I dont know where in the file, or in that screen) PS - I use VB

Thanks in advance.... I done my 2 test keys (english and portuguese), then exported to the application directory, and now i have 3 files:


The key is "MyKey1" and the message is "This is a text message" in portuguese the key is "MyKey1" and the message is "Esta mensagem é de teste" on the localization editor i set Portuguese as defaulf.

What do I do now? Create a label and put in the text? "This is a text message" and after run it shows "Esta mensagem é de teste"?

Any help will be nice...


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No, you add a label and set the LocalizationKey property to "MyKey1". If the MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Localization.LocaleID property is set to 1033, the label's Text will be set to "This is a text message". If the MicroFour.StrataFrame.UI.Localization.LocaleID property is set to 1046, then the Label's text will be set to "Esta mensagem é de teste". The localization does not go off of the text, but rather the LocalizationKey property. Anywhere in a StrataFrame UI component where you see "Key" on the end of anything (other than "DataSourceKey"), you're giving it the key from your localization information, such as "MyKey1".

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