SF 2.0?

Terry Bottorff
Terry Bottorff
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I'm about to start a new project and was also wondering if Version 2 was close so I could start my new project with your new Version 2?

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Hello Strata Team,

If you can modify the road map 2012 to see when the version 2 come.

it ll be great cause We have no news.


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Hi Strataframe Team :

Could you please inform us about SF 2.0?

Kind regards
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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StrataFrame V2 is moving along and is planned for a summer release.  You will start seeing site changes, forum updates, and new blogs around April.  We have some new team members that we will be introducing as well.  Sorry for the silence lately, but we are full throttle and extremely excited about V2.

As for betas, we will start having some betas in the April/May time frame for different pieces of the framework.  Stay posted and we will be showing more over the coming months.
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thanks trent

Your post it's a good Sound.

i hope to change the way to store the Bo on the web, without variable session.
cause when it's expire, if the user load the web page after the timeout , the grid is empty.

thanks again , and i wait the update and new blog (for strat it's a blog on google)

And Welcome to your new team !


Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Oliver, that is a great point.  The new business objects are 100% object models.  Though you can output to a data table if you want, it will not be the store.  So the entire object is far easier to serialized and deal with for sessions.  Technically you can do that with the current BOs also.  You can serialize a BO which will save the state and then you can restore the state when the session is restarted. 

But the next version of SF is far easier when dealing with environments like this.
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Thanks Trent....

We are now much more excited about SF 2.0

We belive in you and your team

Kind regards
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Thanks, Hector.  That means a lot...and gives us even more motivation!

It will be worth the wait!
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Trent L. Taylor (2/5/2014)
Oliver, that is a great point.  The new business objects are 100% object models.  Though you can output to a data table if you want, it will not be the store.  So the entire object is far easier to serialized and deal with for sessions.  Technically you can do that with the current BOs also.  You can serialize a BO which will save the state and then you can restore the state when the session is restarted. 

But the next version of SF is far easier when dealing with environments like this.

Thanks Trent for your reply it's a good news.

Have you a tutorial to save or restore a business object ? it's possible to store on the client for the web ?

The most complicated for me, if the user start an Edit mode , and he s starting to write on the field,
if the session end. When he validate the Bo Save, he lose his data.

The concept work in Winform but in Webform, we have to start an edit mode just before the user save the bo. (like php or ado.net)
But the input are disabled if we don't active the edit mode.

I can tell you more about this subject, in other post, if you want.

thanks for your help.

Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik
Edited 11 Years Ago by Olivier
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It is just a matter of serializing the BO with the contents or state that you want and then deserializing it when the session is restored.  You can serialize a BO to a byte array or to a stream.  Below is a sample of serializing to a byte array that you could store any way that you like, including in another table that saves of sessions (or carts, etc.).

MyBO bo = new MyBO();
//-- Load records here

//-- Save to a byte array
byte[] saved;
saved = bo.SerializeToByteArray();

//-- Deserialize the BO to the saved state
newInstance = (MyBO)MicroFour.StrataFrame.Business.BusinessLayer.DeserializeBusinessObject(saved);

Remember that you can also call the SerializeToStream on the BO to save to a file or memory stream.
Edited 11 Years Ago by Trent L. Taylor

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