SF 2.0?

StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)StrataFrame User (228 reputation)
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I totally agree with friends.

SF guys can understand us that we are in wild business competition.

We need your support to see the future.

We really believe in this product but this silence really worry us.

Hope we can hear u soon.


StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
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I wonder about this webpage "Road Map for 2012"


it'll be great if the SF team can write a Good Date

i understand it's difficult to rewrite all code to inherit from entity framework , but a percent about the rest of working.


Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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I can't speak for other forum members but for me the fact that this thread is still active after almost 7 years with no definitive delivery date is extremely frustrating. While the published roadmap describes a comprehensive and obviously resource intensive effort to deliver, the time it would take by comparison to inform StrataFrame customers of its status would be insignificant.

One of the things that sold me on SF in the first place was the active participation, communication and superb support provided by its developers via this forum. However it has been almost a year since anyone from StrataFrame has posted to this thread and during that period overall participation in the forum by the developers has been conspicuously absent. I realize that StrataFrame is not MicroFour's primary business and that other business needs may take priority, especially considering the ongoing changes in health care. However I feel that MicroFour should, at a minimum, provide periodic updates to SF users, even if that update is that they are focusing on other projects.

Lacking any concrete information, current SF customers/developers are left to speculate among themselves. Will SF 2.0 ever be released or is SF 1.0 the end of the road? The organization I work for has made applications developed using StrataFrame a critical part of its operation. Not only has it invested in licenses, and annual software support and subscription fees for ES, it has spent considerable time and money in recruiting and training its programmers to use the product. I personally have put my reputation on the line by continuing to advocate the use of SF as our primary development platform to senior management. I would greatly appreciate it if someone from MicroFour would take a few minutes to inform the members of this forum as to the status/future, whatever it is, of version 2.0. It would really help me formulate my future software development plans as well as I'm sure help other members formulate theirs.


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Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 119, Visits: 11K
Yes sir, It's time.
Edhy Rijo
StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)StrataFrame VIP (6.4K reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi all,
I cannot agree more with Larry Caylor and other members of the SF community.
I just started a huge SF project converting a VFP application that has been working for over 30 years and it is a huge commitment.

The reasons for me to keep using StrataFrame is very simple, it is a reliable work of art, code just work and I have never had a significant issue with the several projects I have created.  That alone speak volume about the quality of the current version, and been able to use new .Net runtimes and Visual Studio 2013 is a good thing, but I also feel the frustration of not having more close participation from the SF team here and not seeing the new stuff I already know they have developed for their medical application, if you want to take a pick look at this link.

I hope to hear positive news from the SF team soon.

Edhy Rijo

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@eddy : Larry pay for strata and he doesn t get a new feature ! It s normal to write This.
larry manage team and he need to know what ll be the future.

eddy You think only for You and not for a team, with a large business.

i wait long time any modification in strata for the webform cause there a bug
to use with asp.net . And we don t have any news.

if microfour has 2 business , they need to have 2 team, and May be more developpers.
if strata win enough money to get a stand alone team, microfour must to continue.

but if they don t win money, and only the market on health care,
They need to say our, if it s the end, and if we need to find other product.

It s important, their answer. 

Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik
Edited 10 Years Ago by Olivier
Edhy Rijo
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Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Olivier,

Olivier (1/15/2015)
@eddy : Larry pay for strata and he doesn t get a new feature ! It s normal to write This.
larry manage team and he need to know what ll be the future.

eddy You think only for You and not for a team, with a large business.

I think that you did not understand my previous postI agree with Larry, you, Chan and every member of the SF community.

Edhy Rijo

Andrew Harper
Andrew Harper
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Thanks Larry for so clearly articulating the situation that I also face.

Hopefully from someone from Microfour will take the time to provide an update.

Best regards,

StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)StrataFrame User (430 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Edhy Rijo (1/15/2015)
Hi all,
I cannot agree more with Larry Caylor and other members of the SF community.

My apologies edhy , i see "i can not agree".


Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik
Jericho Johnson
Jericho Johnson
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Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 5, Visits: 304
Hello Everyone,

  I too am anxious about the continued support of Strataframe (or apparent lack thereof).  I too have created a number of projects using it and have come to rely on it.

  I reached out to Strataframe sales via email on Tuesday, and Trent did reply to me the same day with the following:


We are still here and there is still SF 2.0 coming out. Instead of going over it here, I will do just as you suggested and post it online ASAP so that everyone knows what is going on and can plan accordingly. StrataFrame is at the heart of our company and is also the future. We are very excited about what is coming out. Thanks for your continued support and we look forward to continuing our relationship moving forward.

Trent L.Taylor

Vice President of Software Development

  I had hoped that "ASAP" would have been within 1 or 2 days.  I am hoping that Trent, and Strataframe, will come through for us soon.


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