Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hello Trent,
You think that the new version ll be available for second quarter Q2 ?
thanks Olivier
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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Oliver, I am not going to give any dates. We are wanting it just as badly as you guys, so we are working on it with gusto. Trust me, as soon as we feel comfortable handing out a date, we will make it public knowledge. We will have a beta before the release and you would definitely qualify for being part of that. We will have a sign-up list for the beta when we get a little further. So as part of the beta you can get your hands on it a little sooner. Sorry I can't give you a more concrete answer.
Rogerio Mauri
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Guys, you have created an excellent tool. Do not give up the project !!!! Believe in the dream. I have a dream... SF 2.0
Rogério Mauri
Andrew Harper
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi, Just wondering if there was any update on progress with version 2 and the proposed developer blogs? << Wrapping Up More than anything we wanted to tell everyone how much we appreciate the StrataFrame community. I know that it has been frustrating waiting on us to get this out, and we apologize for the delays. But we have built a solid team here at MicroFour and StrataFrame V2 is well underway. We will be pushing out several blogs as well that we will publish and send out a community wide notification. Two of the blogs will include both Trent and Ben’s blogs which will show StrataFrame progress as well as…well…whatever they feel like talking about. If you have any questions or want to know about something we did not cover, please email us and let us know. Thanks for your continued support and we are extremely excited about the future of StrataFrame and this great community!
Larry Caylor
Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 592,
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I'm wondering the same thing.
Larry Caylor
Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 592,
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It's been about six months since the last update on SF 2.0, are there any updates? Also VS 2015 is scheduled to be released July 20th, will there be a corresponding release of SF 1.0 that is compatible?
Rainer Kempf, RK
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 55,
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Hello Guys from Strataframe,
I am really disapointet from you. Really big annoucements on Januray from Trent :
In February we will be releasing a blog for both myself and for Ben and we will keep you more apprised of the goings on through there. But we too are ready to have SF V2 out the door!! Thanks for your support!
I can't really understood your politics about sharing Information with us (Developers). What is the Problem ?
I don't talk about a release Date. I am talking about sharing Information.
Slowly i belive that the Version 2.0 will never released...
I had the same experience with a VFP Framework......
I just hope that i'm wrong.....
thank you
Keith Chisarik
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Long time SF user, many licenses paid, classes attended, posts written, I feel at this point very sad about the current state of things. This post was started in 2008, 7 years ago, nuff said. Many posts, promises, etc, come and gone. I was here because I am about to start a new major development, was praying for a ray of hope that I could use SF (WinForms is just not viable for new product development in 2015 sorry) Not going to say anything bad, because I like Trent personally, but professionally I could not be more disappointed.
Keith Chisarik
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 96,
Visits: 806
may be the best way is to use in parallel a library with entity framework from ms.
the deployment toolkit it s Great product and is missing in ms world.
But big company can be alternate, cause they bring a new feature each new version and any information in their website at time.
it s hard time for strata and us but we can develop in parallel with other stable product .
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 52,
Visits: 559
Hi folks, I do understand all of you and i also suffered similar issues in this form But i still believe in this product and version 2.0 and i think we should be patient and trust Trent's team. I am not advocate of MicroFour , I am a just a developer as you. I am just sharing my sincere opinions with SF community knowing that building a solid product is not such a easy process. MicroFour's medical application also use this framework and this is out guarantee that this product will be released in a not a very long time period. What Trent's team created so far also is a guarantee of what they will create. As a last word, I suggest to Trent's team to share the progress of the product and i am sure that nobody will take this as a commitment Kind regards to all folks