Column tr_Schema does not belong to table DBETrigers

Cory Cookson
Cory Cookson
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I'm trying to create a simple trigger on Delete using the Database Deployment ToolKit but when I attempt to deploy it I get:

Column tr_Schema does not belong to table DBETrigers

Have I missed something? The following is the body of the trigger. Thanks in advance for the help:




-- Prevent the result count from interfering


-- Add trigger logic here

   if exists (Select 1 from Music m,deleted t

      where m.Artist_fk = t.Artist_pk)


         goto error




   raiserror 30006, 'Children exist in Music. Cannot delete this record'


Cory Cookson

Software Developer

Occupational Health Research

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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I totally missed this post until just the future don't be afraid to post a "bump" post if it has been more than a couple of days!

At any rate, it looks as though you have loaded a more recent version of the DDT but didn't update the StrataFrame structures.  Also, you will need to re-create your packages once the new update is installed as well as some of the column structures have changed.  It should be pretty straight forward:

  1. Load the new update and be sure to allow the data structures to be updated
  2. Go back into your DDT project and rebuild the deployment package
  3. You should be good to go at this point

Cory Cookson
Cory Cookson
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Hi Trent.

I re-ran the install making sure to let the database deployment happen and although it wiped out my business objects it didn't add the field to DBETriggers.

I also had another developer do a clean install and their local Strataframe DB does not have the field either.

Cory Cookson

Software Developer

Occupational Health Research

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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You are running an EXE that doesn't match the structure.  There is no longer a tr_Schema field in that table:

You can see the structure above.  I would recommend either download the install again and trying again (as I know that this is a solid build) or even trying the 1.6.7 beta.  This sounds like your DatabaseDTK.exe file is not being overridden which could be a permissions issue.  If you go into VS and click on the StrataFrame -> Version menu, it will show which EXE version you are running.  Also, you can see the structure for the DBETriggers table above.  So you have one or the other or both out of sync somehow.

Cory Cookson
Cory Cookson
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You are absolutley right.  It looks like when I upgraded the DDT get overwritten correctly for some reason.

Seems to be ok now.

Thank you very much for the help!

Cory Cookson

Software Developer

Occupational Health Research

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Glad you got it figured out Smile
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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I'm running the 1.6.7 beta release and I'm having the same problem when trying to deplpy a trigger. Attached is a screen shot of the software version and error.
StrataFrameVersion.png (198 views, 22.00 KB)
DeployError.png (203 views, 13.00 KB)
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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The error message that was displayed is misleading. There was an error in the trigger code that was preventing it from being deployed and not a missing column. Fixed the trigger and everything deployed OK.
Larry Caylor
Larry Caylor
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Spoke too soon. The DDT deletes triggers with no error message but I still get the error when trying to add a trigger.
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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That column that is specified is no longer in use.  So either your data structures are not updated and that column still exists and/or the tr_schema column exists within your PKG file and just needs to be rebuilt.  So start by looking at your data structures in the StrataFrame database in teh DBETriggers table.  The structure should look like this:

Triggers.png (189 views, 22.00 KB)

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