My problem seems to be similar so I thought that it is better to post here.
My hostname is server2008.outsource and I used this name together with the MAC address to create a license dll and put it to the bin folder.
I have installed the enterprise server by specifying server2008.outsource as the host name.
http://server2008.outsource/ Server status link gives access denied error
http://server2008.outsource/RemoteDataSource.ashxThis link gives 5.7.1 Unable to relay for error
In program.cs
EnterpriseDataSourceItem ds = new EnterpriseDataSourceItem("",
"server2008.outsource", 80,
new OracleDataSourceItem("MyDataSource"));
In DataSources.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<DataSource DataSourceKey="MyDataSource">
<ConnectionString>Data Source=orcl_tr;User Id =CONTACTS; Password =CONTACTS;</ConnectionString>
<TypeAssemblyName>MicroFour StrataFrame Base</TypeAssemblyName>
When I try to execute the following line HTTP 500 error is received
Could you please help me to fix this problem?