Enterprise Server Host Name

StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)StrataFrame User (227 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 81, Visits: 270
My problem seems to be similar so I thought that it is better to post here.

My hostname is server2008.outsource and I used this name together with the MAC address to create a license dll and put it to the bin folder.

I have installed the enterprise server by specifying server2008.outsource as the host name.

Server status link gives access denied error

This link gives 5.7.1 Unable to relay for admin@mydomain.com error

In program.cs

            EnterpriseDataSourceItem ds = new EnterpriseDataSourceItem("",
                                                                       "server2008.outsource", 80,
                                                                       new OracleDataSourceItem("MyDataSource"));

In DataSources.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <DataSource DataSourceKey="MyDataSource">
        <ConnectionString>Data Source=orcl_tr;User Id =CONTACTS; Password =CONTACTS;</ConnectionString>
        <TypeAssemblyName>MicroFour StrataFrame Base</TypeAssemblyName>

When I try to execute the following line HTTP 500 error is received


Could you please help me to fix this problem?

Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It was because the application pool was reset.  When you made the changes, you either needed to restart IIS, or recycle the application pool.  If you wait long enough, it will do this itself.  Glad its working Wink
Chris Diesel
Chris Diesel
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Posts: 74, Visits: 300
Never mind.  Working now somehow... Unsure
Chris Diesel
Chris Diesel
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Posts: 74, Visits: 300
Thanks w00t

I activated and downloaded the license again with the "correct" host name Hehe but I'm still getting error (500) Internal Server Error.

Here's my SetDataSources() code:

//-- Create the data source

EnterpriseDataSourceItem ds = new EnterpriseDataSourceItem("IwSystemsSQL", "srv09.stllv.insware.com", 80, "IwSystemsES", new SqlDataSourceItem("IwSystemsES"));

//-- Configure the compression and encryption (optional)

ds.IsCompressed = true;

ds.IsEncrypted = true;

ds.EncryptionKey = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

ds.EncryptionVector = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };

//-- Add the EnterpriseDataSourceItem


//Set the data source key for the security tables

SecurityBasics.SecurityDataSourceKey = "IwSystemsSQL";

Here's my DataSources.config code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<DataSource DataSourceKey="IwSystemsES">

<ConnectionString>server=srv09;Database=IwSystems;User Id=IwSystemsES;Password=IwSystemsES;</ConnectionString>


<TypeAssemblyName>MicroFour StrataFrame Base</TypeAssemblyName>











Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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No.  When you reference the machine directly, this may not be the hostname.  It has to be a qualified name respected by IIS.  When you use the machine name, it redirects to an IP in the browse internally, which doens't qualify as a host name in some cases. 

Just FYI, I have reset your activation so you can try again. Smile

Chris Diesel
Chris Diesel
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So even though I can access the status page using srv09 it's not the host name?  I just want to be able to do a test from my dev workstation and another workstation on the same lan (didn't want to use localhost).
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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It isn't the server name that you enter but rather the hostname.  The hostname would be the named address to which the ES server is accessed.  For example, "myes.mydomain.com."
Chris Diesel
Chris Diesel
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Posts: 74, Visits: 300
I'm having a hard time testing our project using ES.  I created and installed a SDK CAL with the server name srv09.  I access the status page via: http://srv09/strataframees/status.aspx.  Should I have activated the licenses using srv09/strataframees instead?  I keep getting a message: "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." when I try to run in developer mode on srv09.

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