ES has stop responding. The Status.aspx will not load in browser

Jeffrey J Pagley
Jeffrey J Pagley
StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)StrataFrame Novice (55 reputation)
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 9, Visits: 22
Hi SF,

ES has suddenly stopped responding.   The web site is up and running. (  I have logged onto the server and attempted to load the Status.aspx page into the local browser and it will not load.

Please help!



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Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
                         Just checking... you still don't have the status page coming up?
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
                             Sorry, but no. Jeff
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
                                 Was it already running under your licensed account? I ask you because...
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
                                     Hi Ivan, Iinitially was using my SDK licenses for testing purposes....
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
                                         Got it. I am checking with the guys.
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
                         [quote]Why did I need to add that entry into the Hosts file when it...
Trent L. Taylor - 15 Years Ago
                             Hi Trent/Ivan, OK. I believe Iunderstand yourexplanationafter talking...
Jeffrey J Pagley - 15 Years Ago
                                 Glad you got it going, Jeffrey. :cool:
Ivan George Borges - 15 Years Ago

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