Who's going to Amarillo in July ?

Doron Farber
Doron Farber
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that sounds just great.



Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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Ill be leaving right from your offices Friday at the end of class to the airport, can I bring my luggage (one bag) Friday AM with me and stick it in a coat closet somewhere?

Keith Chisarik
Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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You bet.  That won't be a problem at all.
Keith Chisarik
Keith Chisarik
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What version should we have installed on our laptops for class. Production 1.6.5 or 1.6.6 (beta) ?

Keith Chisarik
Edhy Rijo
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Hi Keith,

The 1.6.6 beta version is pretty stable, in fact it does not look like a beta due to its stability.  I have participated in other beta programs in which you can not rely on it for production and that is not the case of SF betas.

Edhy Rijo

Aaron Young
Aaron Young
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Hi Keith,

I would go with the beta without hesitation. In fact I don't even think of it as a beta - just a new update. SF is VERY stable and so far the only problems in my software are my own Smile

I think the way these guys work is they have a target list of new functionality for the next official release and they release periodic betas with some new features as they are done. There are some nice new features in the beta so don't hold back Smile


Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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Hey Keith,

Yeah, go ahead and load the 1.6.6 as we will be covering many features within the beta during the class so you will want to have that build loaded.

Thanks for the comments guys! 

Doron Farber
Doron Farber
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Hi Trent,

How much web development will you cover in the training? (5 days could be enoughBigGrin)



Trent Taylor
Trent Taylor
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We'll spend the better part of a day to web specific stuff.  You will learn that there is really not that much difference between the two environments once we cover the basics of the web stuff.  The same BOs, DAL, and .NET techniques and logic can be applied to both environments for the most part.  But technically, the entire class is geared towards creating an application and the processes therein...and there is a ton of cross coverage here.
Randy Jean
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Charles R Hankey (06/15/2008)
I'm booked at the Hampton Inn (AAA discount) across I-40 from Microfour (looks like an easy walk ... dodging trucks)

I'm coming in about 8 pm Sunday. Since the hotel is so close to the class and I don't imagine Amarillo nightlife is going to be that tempting (plus I know how intense the classes can get) I don't think I'm going to rent a car, probably makes more sense just to get a cab from the airpost (going out Saturday morning) Anybody with similar arrival and departures who wants to split a cab let me know.

Charles, myself and Jared Ewald from Orion will be arriving around 9 or 10 pm at the Quality Inn. I decided to go ahead and get a car so if you want you can go party with us at night w00t


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