Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Trent, Glad to you see back!!!! As you may guess, there are many more questions  I like the idea of WPF, even though I have not even try it yet, but when using Windows Form, will the BO still be based on Entity Framework? P.S. I am working on converting a complex VFP application into SF VB.Net and even though I am very used to the DDT, there are some automation needs that would help setting the NULL Type, etc. current version could be very tricky and get things messed up if not careful, I can't wait to see the new one, even if that what is being released first.
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hello Edhy, i suggest to you to stay with Winform while Microsoft find a good way with html5 and css3 for desktop app. Like a silverlight, i think Wpf will not during with the time http://pragmateek.com/is-wpf-dead-the-present-and-future-of-wpf/May be i m wrong. But Ms has not make a good choice since 10 years with his dev ide. i think the futur ll be Html5 and css for the Unification of Development across platform. Foxpro was a good product, they could have put in open source as ilt do it for the core .NET with certain rules.
They would have gained purchase windows server or server sql.
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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> I like the idea of WPF, even though I have not even try it yet, but when using Windows Form, will the BO still be based on Entity Framework?
Just to clarify, it is not the "Entity Framework" from Microsoft, but it is an entity object model. Yes, you will still use the entity model in the Windows Forms side of things. Obviously you can still use the standard BO there as well. In fact, I have used an SF V1 BO to populate an object model to use in WPF. So there are a lot of ways to go about this, but in the end you want to convert all of your BOs into entities. They are going to be faster and do a lot more for you. But for now, since the SF V2 isn't released, yes, create BOs and move forward as you normally would.> The future of WPF
I saw that Oliver posted regarding the future of WPF so I thought I would comment here. First, Microsoft is all in with WPF. There hasn't been any GDI+ development since before Windows 7 hit the street. WPF is pretty amazing when you dig into the guts of it, but moreover, this is the platform that Microsoft is betting on. HTML5 is cool and there will be more attention given to it by Microsoft, but it cannot and will not replace the desktop platform. Silverlight, on the other hand, is basically an extension of WPF to the web. And honestly, if you are writing an application that needs to be made available online, then yes, go for it. It is robust and you can write powerful applications using WPF for the web environment. However, you wouldn't want to use Silverlight for a standard website. In this case HTML5 will most definitely become the leader, and has. But in short, WPF as a development platform is only going to grow and so at some point it is really important to jump off of the Windows Forms platform and onto WPF.
At some point I am going to be releasing my blog. This will cover some topics about my transition to WPF. Honestly, it really made me mad at first. I wanted to get in the ring for at least a 5 minute round with whoever was trying to force WPF into the marketplace. But once I wrapped my head around the engine and its potential, I started to come around. Like any platform, there are things that I don't like and things that I do. But in the end, I think that WPF is here to stay and is the direction developers need to move in order to stay current with the marketplace and the OS platforms coming out in the future.
Group: StrataFrame Users
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@Trent : the future will speak about this. For the 2.0 with strata, the Business Object with asp.net stay store in Session Variable ? or we can to desactivate this ? because it produces bugs when opening twice the same webform, data is stored in a global variable (session), and the last open window takes precedence over all others. This caused me data duplication. or if my customer write on the webform during a long time , they can lose his data. or the web app can be grow in memory of the server, cause we we must use session variables limited as this take the ram of the server. And if you have 1000 users on your server, it is a less lightweight solution that entity with asp.net or php.
Can you resolve this?
thanks Olivier
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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Olivier: Whether dealing with SF V1 or SF V2, if you are coding in ASP.NET, the session and session management is going to plan a pivotal role in your application. However, in SF V2 we plan to have a true session manager that will clean things up a lot, but the main problem in SF V1 with the BO in the session has to do with the ADO.NET back end inside the BO. You can prevent the data duplication issues that you mentioned in SF V1 if you manage the session correctly, but you have to create a static root object (BO) and the populate the instance objects. So depending on what language you are using this might change slightly. It is hard for me to speak directly to the problem that you are running into unless I see your code, but the short answer is that the entity model in conjunction with the session manager should really make things much easier. The session manager will allow you to easily save off your session and then restore it when the user returns to the site with the entities still intact, for example.
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hello trent I answer on this thread , if you help me for the 2.0 |
Aaron Young
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Trent, All sounds good. Sorry for the questions but I have a couple more: Will the user security model remain the same or be completely changed? Will the new entity objects bind directly to third party controls without the need for a business binding source? Aaron
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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> Will the user security model remain the same or be completely changed?
It will be very similar in regards to the features and functionality. The code will be completely new, but the logic and implementation will be very similar. There are some things that were missed in regards to Windows Integration that will be better implemented this go around. But most all of the functionality that exists now will move forward.
> Will the new entity objects bind directly to third party controls without the need for a business binding source?
Great questions...and the great news is that there will no longer be the need for the business binding source! You can bind directly to 3rd party controls with no wrapper. Aside from that, the binding in WPF is one thing that is WAY better. But the binding will be true for Windows Forms as well in regards to no longer needing the BBS.
Edhy Rijo
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi Trent, Trent L. Taylor (1/28/2015) Just to clarify, it is not the "Entity Framework" from Microsoft, but it is an entity object model. ...the binding in WPF is one thing that is WAY better. But the binding will be true for Windows Forms as well in regards to no longer needing the BBS.Awesome news. I am more excited for the new entity object model "SFE" because I am using lot of DevExpress controls and no having to create a BBS will be a great deal to me. I know that with the upcoming Windows 10 and MS Universal Applications, some things will change on the UI, but having an Entity Object we can use from Windows Form, WPF, ASPX or vNext it is a real convenience. Personally, I love all the features of the current SF1 BO simply because I have exploited all to my advantage, filtering, sorting, navigation, filling the ADO data table, ExecuteScalar, etc. so looking forward to get my hands into the new SFE objects.
Edhy Rijo
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
Posts: 6.6K,
Visits: 6.9K
Personally, I love all the features of the current SF1 BO simply because I have exploited all to my advantage, filtering, sorting, navigation, filling the ADO data table, ExecuteScalar, etc. so looking forward to get my hands into the new SFE objects.
And the new entities do all of that and so much more and far more efficiently!