Group: StrataFrame Users
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All the developper in majority developp with WinForm , and i use WebForm which is under severe ordeal.
The Foundation or the basis of strataframe for the web , don't work correctly and cause some problems duplications or lose data when the user input. cause the business object are stored in variable session. (Sort of public variable which we can loose data if we are in wifi, 3g or so long in the time.)
So the best way for me is to use Entity Framework, when trent or ben show the new strata inherit entity , i had hope cause the fundation is different for the web.
My be this feature ll come in september. But it's simple to communicate with a community, in up to date Blog.
The announce in the website, is about 2012.
I think sincerly , that strata is not the priority of microfour, and it's the same like product open source, the service ans support are better in a bigger internationnal company.
Sorry for this analysis.
i continue to see if any update come, cause i found that deployment toolkit it's a great product and he has'nt equivalent in the market,
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hi, I know by trent tha strata inherit from entity framework. Ms decide to change the way for Entity Framework 7.0 before 6.0. Does Stratra ll be compatible with entity 7.0 ? or not ? Can you say little more about strata and entity, and where you are at the moment ? So if you use this new library for your Medical App, what the différence about the version 2.0 that we wait ? thanks
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Rainer Kempf, RK
Group: StrataFrame Users
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Hello to All
This Message i wrote from more then one year ago.....
Hello Guys from Strataframe,
I am really disapointet from you. Really big annoucements on Januray from Trent :
In February we will be releasing a blog for both myself and for Ben and we will keep you more apprised of the goings on through there. But we too are ready to have SF V2 out the door!! Thanks for your support!
I can't really understood your politics about sharing Information with us (Developers). What is the Problem ?
I don't talk about a release Date. I am talking about sharing Information.
Slowly i belive that the Version 2.0 will never released...
I had the same experience with a VFP Framework......
I just hope that i'm wrong..... Since this time nothing really changed .....  
So maybe we can get a little Update ????
thank you
Jericho Johnson
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 5,
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Hello All,
I too have practically given up hope that there will ever be a StrataFrame 2.0.
I really want it, and I would pay for it.
But the lack of communication is quite disturbing. It is great that Ivan and Ben are still active in the forums, supporting the users, but I just noticed that Trent hasn't logged into the forums since November 2015.
If MicroFour could just let us know what is going on, even once a quarter, it would be really helpful. If you have chosen to let StrataFrame die, just have the decency to let us know.
I really want SF 2.0.
Please update us.
Group: StrataFrame Users
Posts: 96,
Visits: 805
i suggest to you to consider paradigm solution, it's difficult to find, cause it's not the easier solution, but it's the durable and popular solution. MVC in the web development is become a paradigm solution for the web and the smartphone solution. I suggest to you to consider Entity Framework like , the durable solution pour .net development, it's different from strata, but, you ll find more sample on stackoverflow, the deployment exists so, it's call migration. And the road map run like they say. Sorry, if the scenario look like Foxpro changes, and strata changes, but it s a real solution. https://docs.efproject.net/en/latest/intro.htmlRoapMap for the EF 7 https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/wiki/RoadmapI suggest to you to start with 6.3 with poco solution , reverse engennering exists, don't take the model solution, just code first, it's the start to use EF in the futur witn 7.X thanks Olivier,
============================================== Asp.net C# - Strataframe - telerik ==============================================
Richard Keller
Group: Forum Members
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The solution is simple... SF 2.0 and 1.xxx should be open sourced. There are several people who could or would extend it. Should be a Nuget package anyways and let the people who were loyal in the beginning use it. I loved SF and used it the Server product until I saw the degradation of support from the best I ever seen to the worst there ever has been. Open Source it guys. Even unfinished people can try and pickup the pieces.
Larry Caylor
Group: Awaiting Activation
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This is probably the longest running thread on the forum and I may be wasting my time adding to it but hopefully someone from StrataFrame/MicroFour will provide some answers.
Since 2006, StrataFrame and the Enterprise application server has enabled my staff to quickly develop a number of high performance business applications to meet the unique needs of our business. Some of these applications are critical to our day-to-day operation. While I'm very satisfied with the product I'm becoming concerned that I've got a lot riding on something that appears to be all but abandoned by its vendor. Other than Ben, I haven't seen anyone from MicroFour on the forum is the last couple of years. Emails sent to MicroFour staff via the forum go unanswered. What used to be the best support I've ever seen from a software vendor has deteriorated to just about the worst. While I have the source to the majority of the framework there are parts that I don't have, like the Enterprise server, which makes me nervous when I see vendor support slipping. So far Ben has come through and fixed bugs in these areas (which I greatly appreciate) but I'm wondering how long I can expect that to continue.
I would really appreciate it if MicroFour would be more transparent about the future of this product. Is there ever going to be a SF 2.0 or maybe event a SF 1.8 that utilizes the new object model that they are already using in their medical applications? If not will there be any future enhancements to SF 1.0? Is the current release the end of the line and if so how long can I expect to maintain compatibility with future version of Visual Studio and SQL Server? Is there any good reason to continue to pay software support?
Trent Taylor
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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[Wrong login - see below Andrew's reply]
Andrew Harper
Group: StrataFrame Users
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This is really welcome and long overdue news Trent. Like Larry I had just about given up on a new release. I will look forward to downloading and investigating the alpha release and participating in the new forums. Unfortunately I am about to go on vacation but will look forward to the reaction and following progress.
StrataFrame Team
Group: StrataFrame Developers
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You are only too right, Larry. And everyone else who has chimed-in in this thread and others over the years. It's the nature of the software business to have feature-creep, so we've always had the feeling that SFv2 just isn't quite ready. And by ready, I mean commercially ready. Does it have everything we (meaning Ben) want in it? No. Does it have documentation and samples? Not written down (it's all in my head, just have to pry it out  ). Does it have full unit test coverage? Ummm.... But you MicroFour is using it themselves, right? Yes, loads. All of our new projects, and new assemblies in old projects are SFv2 for the data access. (and the $1M question(s)) So, why can't we start playing with it? C'mon, man! Does it have to be 100% before we can take a look? ... ... *crickets* Well, no. We're using it. And we've come to the point where I don't know why you guys can't start using it some, too. There are big chunks missing (no new DDT, yet) (saving doesn't cascade through a tree), but there's soooo much stuff that makes it really worthwhile (multi-level undo) (OutlinedQueries (my absolute new best friend)) (EntityCollectionView.Filter "wait, did you just use a lambda for a filter?" yep) that there's no reason you can't have it in what we can call, say, "Alpha." Beta once we fill in all of the modules, and Release once we have full documentation and it's commercially ready. There are some 40 projects in the solution (templates, the visx, testing framework, working projects are all included in that), and we're going to release about 15 of them. The truth is, it's ready to have some other eyes on it. Enhancement requests, questions, watching how others use it, and documentation requests will help it mature far faster than keeping it locked up. So... I'm just going to leave this here... and you guys can do with it what you will... http://forumv2.strataframe.netAll of your users (email logins) have been converted over to the new forum, but you'll have to reset your passwords (some new hash/salt storage where I can't move those over). I promise I will keep an eye on my email and send you license files as quickly as I can. Edit: Sorry about posting as Trent earlier. Didn't realize that I was still logged in as him when I was testing some logins.