This post (  will help you to get the connection wizard back when you run StrataFlix. Try and follow Trent's instructions and see if you can connect to your database.
Hope it helps.
I think I have done something bad, the system doesn't ask for authentication instead showing the error screen right away.
I have tried by detached the database, deleted and reinstalled StrataFlix but nothing changed.
Thanks for the help.
Take a look at this thread it may help you run the StrataFlix sample:
I can attach the database
but when I run it, I get an error:
Please advise
Nice to see you around here.
To attach a database to your SQL instance do the following:
That should attach the database to be manage by your SQL server. Follow the instruction in the help to compile the sample and run it, pay attention to the Login form which has the User Name and Password there for you to test it.
I have installed Visual Studio 2008, SQLServer 2008, Strataframe and StrataFlix sample.
I tried to run the StrataFlix sample, but I have no idea how to:
* Included in the extracted archive are two SQL Server files, StrataFlix.mdf and StrataFlix_Log.ldf. Use SQL Server Management Studio to attach the StrataFlix.mdf file to the SQL Server of your choice. * Open the desired language source in Visual Studio.
can someone give me a simple guidance...
thanks in advanced.