Sorry for the duplicated correspondence. I just wanted to make sure I got this ressolved before your holiday tomorrow and thought you would be more accessible via email... Let's continue on the forum.
I activated using my internal network adapter. (My wireless was disabled). I'm still having no luck activating and can't deactivate the current adapter because I already deactivated earlier today and you have a limit placed on the deactivation.
Can you deactivate my licenses again so I can start over or will I end up in the same situation?
The network adapter on which you activated is not active any longer. If you activate on a wireless adapter then make sure that it is always on. When you are trying to activate now, it is sending in an all “0” MAC address which generally happens when a MAC address is no longer in the machine or a wireless adapter has been turned off or disabled. Be sure to activate on a network adapter that will always be enabled. As soon as you re-enable the network adapter which cannot be seen, then your activation will be verified, otherwise when the card is disabled it will not be able to verify activation.
How can I resolve this issue?